PEAX Equipment



New member
Jan 15, 2003
Out West
If you'll hurry up and post a picture of you're big monster antelope you say you have on video I'll post a picture of a buck that's bigger. Guaranteed or your money back.
Oh shit omen... I forgot..... let me see if I can find a still real quick... I saw it when I was redoing my pc today...
Didnt find the stills last night, but I have 4 more cd's to look through....
I went looking through the tapes last night and couldnt find them either.. found some cool elk and deer ones but not that particular antelope.. I have about 10 more tapes to look through
I did post the still from it here once.. I gotta find it somewhere on my servers...

I'm calling BS delw

Hell, I'll call BS on Omen too... (I.E. I want to see that picture and I figure if I call you a lier you'll post it
WHAT ?!?! your Word .... On the Internet ?!?!

HEHE, Just kidding, I know who you are, roumor has it you might know what you're talking about

Come on Del~a , Show the man what a big lope looks like,give him an Edjimakation !! WHAT ARE YA, SLEEPIN' ?!?!
HELL, Look at me, Everyone knows who I am and I try to keep such a low Profile

PS, Everyone will be so Happy the PEE WEE Herman is posting at Hunttalk !!! Welcome to Hunttalk Pee Wee !!!!'re telling me you think Delw has a picture and I don't? There's only one way to find out...

And it better not be me who you're calling Pee Wee.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-27-2003 22:53: Message edited by: Omen ]</font>
I tell ya what. I'll post a pic and challenge both of you Yeller Belly Liers to do better. I'm callin you out!

Ps. I did not kill these animals, I mounted them for my friends. Enjoy!


Here's the can call me yeller all you want, but the fact is that I've posted more pictures of big antelope on this board than anyone else and in a shorter period of time. Delw hasn't posted any pictures of big antelope that I can recall. And so it goes...Delw first. In fact, after Delw posts more than one vidcap of this big buck of his I'll post pictures of 2 different bucks that will, in all likelihood, be bigger than Delw's buck. With the ante upped will the caped crusader step to the plate or will he fumble on 4th and goal. (Mixed my metaphor a bit there)
Well...since Delw is going to use pics of a buck that's alive I figured I'd use pics of a buck that's alive. If you didn't happen to catch the pics I posted they were almost all of living animals. In fact...I think they wera all of living animals.
Omen you crack me up.... LOL. Somehow I think we know each other and I just dont know who ya are yet..

The one buck that your wanting the pic is a real real nice buck. I would rate it that greeny would shoot it..

It was a long ways away .... Now I just have to find that tape.

I found while looking for the tape a few p-dog trips which I know have antelope and deer vid. And I put them all in a pile to go through.......

I don't know. Sounds to me like you're stalling (maybe the photoshop pics are taking to long to render). Haha.