NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Del-Mart has some new Competition.....

Gotfish Thats funny.......

You got way to much time on your hands....

I will have to sick the lawyers on you now...LOL

Thanks Delw.

"got fish? inc. - Where we use lawyers for bait."

Be sure and report back how you and the fam' did on the lake. Have fun.
Great site. Very clever. The comments about lawyers however, well, . . . all right, THIS TIME I will let it go without further comment. :rolleyes:
I found a picture of Del's new competition.


Actually, that pic isn't far off. Except for the sign (everyone knows I don't know JACK about HTML.), it's a pretty good resemblence.

So...who's better looking, me or old skool?
Froghunter, either you are being a prick, or you don't know how to do it. hmmm, let's see......

You don't know jack!!!! :D

No worries, someone who is decent and kind will come along and teach me the finer things in life. Like Delweed, he knows friggin' EVERYTHING! I can count on him.

CRAP!....who am I trying to kid? I'd get the info I need out of the tooth fairy before I get anything here. :D :D :D
got fish?
I am using the first picture that you have on there as an example. Right now you have it like this
<img border="0" src="pictures/NOFEARcat.JPG" width="535" height="366">

Just change the size that you want it to be but they have to be proportionable so change on and delete the other like I have done it here. I gave it a width of 150.
<img border="0" src="pictures/NOFEARcat.JPG" width="150">

Now you would just use the small pic to link to the big pic like this.
<a href="pictures/NOFEARcat.JPG"><img border="0" src="pictures/NOFEARcat.JPG" width="150"></a>
I'm getting out of my chair.
i'm walking to my closet.
i'm opening up a safe.
i'm picking up my .357
i'm aiming it at my left temple.
i'm pppppulling the tri..............
What the hell is all that stuff you just typed? Speak english BOY! word it like you would to a 1st grader. thanks. :D
Log into your geocities account and go to the file manager and choose the page that the pictures are on and then edit. Scroll down through the mess until you come to where the pictures are and you will see it like I have it here. Then you would change the picture like I did it here and do the same for each picture going down the page. Then choose save and you are done.

To see what you are looking at go to the page and do a right click on it and then view source.
:D :D :D :D :D
If you want me to do it for you let me know and I can do it. But in order for me to do that you would need to give me the username and password or learn how to get into the file manager and you can copy and paste everything it after I correct it and mail it to you.
Holly shit Gotfish you been busy....

Elkhunter is the Grasshopper of webpages.. he taught me everything i know now....
ok elkhunter.

email me at [email protected] so we can discuss service fees and confidentiality contracts.

My lawyers have all kinds of paperwork for you to sign. Basically we want to be sure you will be held responsible for damages you cause or may cause or stuff you don't have anything to do with and and we hold the right to sue you for anything and everything that you do or don't do with my website or anything else you do at any given time. you will have the right to appeal fees that you are assessed, providing that you sign the paper that takes away the right to win an appeal. all disputes will be mediated by a third party that i choose and may have paid. Those lawyers are so confusing sometimes, aren't they?

But, I really do appreciate any help you can offer.

P.S. You will also have to sign a contract stating that you will give up the right to have an attourney represent you, unless he is on our payroll. (sorry Law Vegas)
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