Damn Dogs!!!!!

Had the same problem a few (?) years back. We lived in the country, but developments were popping up. Wasn't too long before I started seeing "Fluffy, Spot & Snoopy" packing around. When I found a dead doe, and saw the "house dogs" go after a neighbors tied dog, I borrowed an Ar-15 and went to work! :cool:

I'll never forget the first one. Big Lab chasing a full grown steer. I ran into the house and grabbed the AR. Took me six shots to nail the Ba$t@rd. Running hard, at over 200 yds. Had to pick my shots, so not to hit the steer. The dog never let off.

Ex sez to me " I thought you could shoot better than that" ! |oo :BLEEP:
In this county, you can not discharge a firearm within 100 yards of a house, or other buildings,,,except for the protection of live stock or property hump I don't like shooting anybodys dogs,,,BUT :mad:

Bambistew,,,I did warn the people around here hat if their dogs into my pasture and started after my cows I would kill them :mad: If the dogs got within 5 feet of the rabbits or chicken the dog is dead...I also told them,,"If my dogs did the same kill them"

At lease I took the dogs out to Ft. Lewis,,,Lady Nutcracker wanted to put them out by the front gate with a note nailed to them about keeping their dogs at home :eek: She is mean when it comes to her cows hump

In Washington there is a leash law and it doesn't matter what the county wants as long as it is more intrusive than the states, you are in your full legal right to smoke any dog that is off its leash and acting aggressive towards any of your livestock...

Reminds me of an incident that we lived thru in the early 70's out in the Woodinville Washington area in relation to a pack of dogs that wandered in and started causing trouble.

I grew up on a five acre farm; we had all of the livestock one would want on such a place.

We had a pack of dogs come in and wiped out around a hundred rabbits that were in cages, plus a dozen chickens that would roost outside of the chicken house.

Then a couple days later we got hit again...

The third time, my dad was on the back porch at daylight and when the pack came in again, he blew the head clear off the biggest one. The rest of the pack scattered and never did come back, but when the dust had settled, there was a total of around 150 dead rabbits and two dozen dead chickens, fortunately they never bothered the cows, but that would have more than likely been the next step when they had run out of rabbits.

To this day, dogs that run free and I can get them, end up being fair game.

Tony, I wouldn't feel bad at all about the neighbors dogs, if they happened to say any thing, then they really need to understand what the cost of a "PRIZE" dead baby calf is worth, you may be able to cover a big chunk of your mortgage ;)
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