Caribou Gear

Dall sheep or Toyota Tundra?

You Gotta Be Pumped!

T Bone,

It's been more then awhile since I have posted, but you got me going big time with your sheep talk! I booked my sheep hunt with an outfitter over a year ago. I am booked for the first hunt in August this year. I lose more and more sleep at night dreaming about the hunt. I am working out like a crazy man, and buying gear at a rate that will have me living on the streets soon!:D I have made friends with somes of Max's former clients. They sent me tons of pics, plus 2 dvds with good kill shots. I feel pretty good about the package. I paid 8k. The outfitter went 7/8 last year, and he does his own flying. I am glad I am going now, because these 2 things are true:

I ain't getting any younger! 44 years old!

These hunts will get more and more expensive every stinking year!

Good luck on your hunt! Looking forward to the pics and your story. Hopefully I will have some of my own.
Spotted Owl,

Sounds like Max Schwab's outfit. I've have a friend here in SD that went with him, killed a real nice flared ram in '06.

You have to take lots of pics and video if possible
Tbone is in Northern Idaho fishing Steelhead... I hope he calls and tells me he's broken down so I can tell him he should have bought the Truck ;)
I'm questioning my logic now. Stinkin old Ford has grenaded on me again. It's been in the shop 3 times this year. It's more the reliability factor than the $ that bothers me most.
Yeah Tyson, but you can't turn that Ford into a ped mount.... ;)

By the way T-Bone, guess I won't be coming out and harrassing you next month...wife can't get the time off (think she's afraid to ask) from her new job for the nephew's wedding so it looks like Rapid is going to have to live without us.

I was looking forward to swinging on a few long-tailed birds while I was out there :(

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