Congressional Sportmen's Caucus


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Since you feel that John Kerry is going to benefit the hunters and fishermen so much; can you explain why he isn't a member of this? With him being the great enviromentalist as well as a hunter shouldn't he at least be informed on wildlife issues? Just curious. Hope this qualifies as a sportsman's issue.

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[ 06-01-2004, 13:07: Message edited by: Nemont ]
I tried to get a discussion on the caucus going a month or two ago, but it died on the vine.
It is pretty strange that my representative (a Democrat and a female) is a member and one of my Senators (Republican and male) isnt.

He probably gets a good rating from the NRa and she doesnt. ;)
The whole Idaho delegation belongs to it and they're the worst enemies any sportsman could have. All four of them are deep in the back pockets of the resource extraction industries. They consistently vote against anything that will benefit wildlife. Last time Sen. Larry Craig mentioned in a speech that he'd gone pheasant hunting that Fall the ID. Dept. of F&G checked and found out he hadn't bought a hunting license in twenty years!

I wouldn't give any credibility to the Congressional Sportsman's Caucus.

Here is one spin on it....

Kerry (and the rest of the Mass. Delegation) are not members, as their consituents have no interest. And although Kerry is the Senate's greatest Champion for Hunting and Environmental issues, he has chosen not join in his official capacity as he always puts his constituents first.


The Caucus is much ado about nothing, and anybody who joins it is doing it just to dupe the unsophisticated Red Neck voters.

I did try and look thru their website, and the little bit I found was kind of "light and fluffy", without any substance. My guess is you can't find a "real" issue, and they have accomplished nothing.
although Kerry is the Senate's greatest Champion for Hunting and Environmental issues
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I would be interested in anything that would remotely support that statement. :eek:

Originally posted by Nemont:

I would be interested in anything that would remotely support that statement. :eek:

From the original post
With him being the great enviromentalist as well as a hunter --Nemont
I submit that Mr. Nemont has established Sen. Kerry as being a great hunter and environmentalist.
Said with tongue firmly planted in cheek
and sarcastically:
With him being the great enviromentalist as well as a hunter shouldn't he at least be informed on wildlife issues
The SPIN by EG
I submit that Mr. Nemont has established Sen. Kerry as being a great hunter and environmentalist.
EG, You should be a politician or at least one of the liberal media's talking heads. You can spin stuff faster then a top.

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