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Colorado's Application Process?

Craig S.

New member
Dec 10, 2005
Okay I apply for 4 states:


Is it me, or does Colorado's Electronic Application Process have to much BS on it?

I felt stupid!! Well maybe I am a little...

I forgot I have also applied for New Mexico.
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It has too many fields & lots of different options when compared to the other states I apply for. Just seems like they could simplify or stream line it a bit more.
all I know is it is idiot proof by the time you hit 'pay' and that is my only requirement (prevents an error getting through). The systems I do not like are the ones that assume you know by heart what random hunt code '3134' stands for instead of displaying all the hunt info for verification. Those give a guy a real chance to fat finger a code and regret it.

Those same states seem to enjoy posting draw stats with only the random hunt codes instead of saying what unit/hunt. And those codes chage year-to-year for a given hunt. irksome at best.
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I guess I should go back to school! I still think it has too much small text & different cluttered crap on the online form. I think I will join Huntin Fool & they can fill-out my applications...;)

Arizona has a great ONLINE system!:D
If it makes you feel better I got confused for a second when it said "No, I would not like to OPT out" for preference points... why cant it say either (Preference Point) or (No Preference Point)?
If it makes you feel better I got confused for a second when it said "No, I would not like to OPT out" for preference points... why cant it say either (Preference Point) or (No Preference Point)?
All levels of government, state, federal, down to county, have a quota for double negatives that must be used in official forms. If not, folks might actually figure out the system.