Colorado Mass


New member
Aug 23, 2010
I’m finally getting around to posting up my hunt I had in Colorado 3rd season. As you can see it was a successful hunt not just because I shot a nice deer but because I had seen some beautiful country and was where I wanted to be for a week.
The hunt was very tough because there was no snow to push the animals down from the high country. It was hot and dry for being November. I had hunted this area last year and we spent most of our time hitting one particular area. We were not successful but learned a lot. This year we tried to cover as many different areas as we could. We tried high, middle and the low country.
The morning I shot my buck we were working an area that we had seen some deer while we were high and they were low. We hunted in the area we thought the deer were and they were nowhere to be found. We started working back and came upon a clearing in the cedars and I spotted a doe then I had seen a buck that was a defiant shooter. I didn’t have time to sit down or get on sticks and shot free hand at 150 yards. My first shot hit him hard and I sent a second shot just to be sure. Those cedars there are so thick it would be easy to lose him in there. There was no need to track him far. He was dead 20 feet away. There was a surge of emotion when I first set eyes on him. He is by far the biggest buck I’ve ever shot. I couldn’t believe the mass he had. It was an easy pack out. It feels so much better when it’s your own animal. I had my taxidermist score him at 172 inches. Couldn’t have been happier on how my hunt turned out. Thanks to those guys that were willing to give me pointers and to offer advice and encouragement.

Nice. Good looking buck. U did good. Thanks for sharing.
When you said Colorado Mass I was thinking you were talking church....but HOLY COW that buck has MASS
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