PEAX Equipment

Colorado Leftovers

con·tu·me·ly (knt-m-l, -ty-, -tm-l)
n. pl. con·tu·me·lies
1. Rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance; insolence.
2. An insolent or arrogant remark or act.


[Middle English contumelie, from Old French, from Latin contumlia; akin to contumx, insolent.]


contu·meli·ous (knt-ml-s) adj.
contu·meli·ous·ly adv.

These guys really test my 10th grade education. Thank goodness for a phone smarter than me...

Terry - The Central Mountains Outdoor Heritage proposal by Senator Udall, which could include up to 32 areas in Pitkin, Summit, and Eagle counties. Proposal would add to existing wilderness areas and create special management areas. The current bill being proposed in still in draft phase, two issues concern me. Wilderness areas would include shutting down more public access, and fighting beetle kill wildfires would increase difficulty. That whole region needs thinning before a fire burns to Wyoming. Secondly, special management areas could restrict various forms of public recreation.

Which of the 32 proposed areas specifically concern you? Udall's website says:

I am proposing a series of maps showing the possibility for as many as 32 areas in Eagle, Pitkin and Summit counties to be designated as wilderness and special-management areas.

I encourage as many people as possible to share their thoughts about the map boundaries, how the land is used today and their vision for the future of these special places.

Please review the proposed maps to the right and add your comments by using the form below.
Have you provided comments on the proposal? I won't be around to discuss until next week. Heading out to a meeting in Summit County right now to discuss a proposal to protect more roadless areas in Colorado. Then the next three days Dinkshooter and I are going to go enjoy some wilderness that is "shut down to public access." I'll bring some photos back, ok?
Motorized public access. Which in turns allows fire crews to reach areas to do fire mitigation, fight fires, and logging. Allows older and youth hunter access, mtn biking, using game carts, gold panning/3" dredging, atv riding, etc.

I'm not anti wilderness at all. I do believe in the multiple-use and land of many uses principle. And with Colorado aspen forest dying to SAD and beatle kill forest the Forest service should have implemented thinning/logging 15 yrs ago. The wilderness areas shut-down these activities.

You guys go ahead and enlarge the existing million of acres of wilderness areas in Summit, Pitkin, and Eagle counties, and watch wildfire, mudslides, and erosion take there toll. The wolves will clean up the rest of the wild game.
Motorized public access. Which in turns allows fire crews to reach areas to do fire mitigation, fight fires, and logging. Allows older and youth hunter access, mtn biking, using game carts, gold panning/3" dredging, atv riding, etc.

I'm not anti wilderness at all. I do believe in the multiple-use and land of many uses principle. And with Colorado aspen forest dying to SAD and beatle kill forest the Forest service should have implemented thinning/logging 15 yrs ago. The wilderness areas shut-down these activities.

You guys go ahead and enlarge the existing million of acres of wilderness areas in Summit, Pitkin, and Eagle counties, and watch wildfire, mudslides, and erosion take there toll. The wolves will clean up the rest of the wild game.

Does this mean you didn't get any leftover tags? Oh, by the way, it's THEIR toll, not THERE
Picked up an extra cow tag for myself and my son. It allows me to focus on taking an extra-ordinary raghorn during archery.

More wilderness where OHV and ATV's cannot go can only be good.
You guys go ahead and enlarge the existing million of acres of wilderness areas in Summit, Pitkin, and Eagle counties, and watch wildfire, mudslides, and erosion take there toll. The wolves will clean up the rest of the wild game.

It's amazing how animals ever survived in the west before 1804, I mean we need to coddle them so much.
Cushman - No guys I didn't buy a leftover tag. I've started transferring my residency to another state, one that has a 5 week elk/deer rifle season instead of 5 days. And they allow spring bear hunting, and real traps too! Besides I needed to give the elk a break in Colorado, I did a number on them in the past decade and I'm letting them rebuild the herd.

The only bad thing is I heard the people in this new state were all toothless, backwoods, like guns, and sheep, and didn't vote for Obama twice. Just like the History Channel Mountain Men series. And listen too this, I think some of them even believe in GOD. I seen 10 commandment signs up there! How archaic?

Terry - I didn't express my opinions to Udall, since I'm moving. I'm surprised I ever shot an elk in Colorado. All of mine were like within 2 miles of the road, and sometimes I can hear traffic on I-70. Can't wait too see your photos! Preston Nelson

Archaic = Means like really old and outdated
Motorized public access. Which in turns allows fire crews to reach areas to do fire mitigation, fight fires, and logging. Allows older and youth hunter access, mtn biking, using game carts, gold panning/3" dredging, atv riding, etc.

I'm not anti wilderness at all. I do believe in the multiple-use and land of many uses principle. And with Colorado aspen forest dying to SAD and beatle kill forest the Forest service should have implemented thinning/logging 15 yrs ago. The wilderness areas shut-down these activities.

You guys go ahead and enlarge the existing million of acres of wilderness areas in Summit, Pitkin, and Eagle counties, and watch wildfire, mudslides, and erosion take there toll. The wolves will clean up the rest of the wild game.

There are 3,389,935 acres of wilderness according to Are you saying that 1/3 of the wilderness is closed off?

By the way J, gotta get a leftover tag for Mik. Know any good spots?
Funny you brag you moved to a state that has a 11 week general season that can happen thanks to its wilderness and special management areas yet condemn Colorado for trying to go that same direction.
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