Colorado Boycott?


New member
Aug 31, 2011
Victoria, MN
Think anyone will boycott Colorado for hunting? I read a report that the hunting and fishing industry dumps $1.8 Billiion into Colorado's economy every year. Think non-residents will boycott the state because of the new gun laws passed?

Personally, not that anyone cares, I really was saving (slowly) for a Colorado elk hunt. Not anymore. I don't think CO will care about me and my measly "hopefully get there some day" trip, but it's the principle.

Man, there are so many on my personal boycott list that the only place I'll be able to shop for anything is Cabela's.

Folks say they'll boycott now (March), but come Fall I'd be willing to bet the mountains still look like a pumpkin patch :rolleyes:

Lets face it, where else they gonna go?
Boycotting is not going to do anything to change the laws in Colorado and certainly the DOW has nothing to do with the law. The residents have to do it with their vote!
Emrah- wasn't Cabelas on a lot of people's boycott list just a little bit ago? I thought it was about selling off ranchettes and some other things. My point is can always find a reason to not do something if you look hard enough. If the Colorado legislature and Governor have decided on gun legislation, that's their won't be a deterent for me to do something if I really wanted to do it. If I was on the fence about doing it, maybe. If you want, I can give you a ton of reasons to not hunt every state...but if you like to hunt, that's the only reason you need to keep at it.
My answer not in any way shape or form will it effect the number of hunters in CO. Most of the laws passed are not gonna effect hunters in anyway shape or form from what I've heard. I need to actually go read those bills anyway. Like JlMatthew said it will still look like a pumpkin patch come October.....
Folks say they'll boycott now (March), but come Fall I'd be willing to bet the mountains still look like a pumpkin patch :rolleyes:

Lets face it, where else they gonna go?

Serious question...are Coloradans that outnumbered by liberals and non native move ins...or do many moderate/conservative constituents boycott the ballot box?
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Boycotting Colorado is so much nonsense. Think about who supported the folks who passed these bills and then think about who gets hurt by a boycott from hunters.. These polticians and their bills weren't supported by the west slope small town merchants, the motels owners, the gas station owner, the waitress and bartender who benefits from tips left by hunters, or any of the people who are most negatively impacted by a boycott from hunters. Yet, those are the people who feel the brunt of a misguided boycott.

In fact, a boycott does exactly the opposite to these people who are probably the same kind of folks we are. Do you really want to take a swing at the small businesses who already feel kicked in the groin by these politicians.

If anything, I would say that hunters should do two things - 1) Find out where the worst offenders of these gun bills work or make their living. Then go and boycott the enterprises or activities that will actually get their attention. 2) Go hunting and support these merchants who are so supportive of hunting, and in the process, make their livelihoods a little better and let them know that people do support them putting up the good fight, even in a place where they might be a minority.
That would be turning a blind eye to the probleum. We need to support those in Colorado who are being screwed by the people they voted to represent them. The reason they now have a probleum is because people misused Guns, we have to show what guns are safely capable of. Then vote those suckers out and reverse their law. John

Vote for Dink! He'll raise a Stink!
If your the boycotting type, Cabela's should be towards the top of your list...

I will second that notion.........Stopped there this week just so the boys could look at the animals and fish and as tempting as it was to pick up a couple things, I restrained. Any "hunting" store that doesn't publicly support the management of wolves can friggin kizz my arse....... A huge dissappointment to me when I learned that but unless I can't find something somewhere else, you won't be seeing much of my money spent there.

Boycotting hunting in Colorado...........what a joke. I would bet 90% of the people that say they would, would actually do it.
Saw where the Colorado NRA guy (Tony Fabian) says hunters will avoid Colorado because of the magazine limits. Do you guys really think so? I guess the bill was amended to eliminate the problem of "banning" shotguns. Maybe gun rights groups should start advertizing that after all the hoopla they raised.

I remember something about one shot means meat, two shot means maybe, three shot means none. Wonder what more than fifteen shots means. :D
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The folks "boycotting" probably don't hunt there anyway.

I'd be more interested in boycotting those supporting the tag grabs than those that are going after my right to hunt with a belt fed weapon...
Boycotting Colorado is so much nonsense. Think about who supported the folks who passed these bills and then think about who gets hurt by a boycott from hunters.. These polticians and their bills weren't supported by the west slope small town merchants, the motels owners, the gas station owner, the waitress and bartender who benefits from tips left by hunters, or any of the people who are most negatively impacted by a boycott from hunters. Yet, those are the people who feel the brunt of a misguided boycott.

In fact, a boycott does exactly the opposite to these people who are probably the same kind of folks we are. Do you really want to take a swing at the small businesses who already feel kicked in the groin by these politicians.

If anything, I would say that hunters should do two things - 1) Find out where the worst offenders of these gun bills work or make their living. Then go and boycott the enterprises or activities that will actually get their attention. 2) Go hunting and support these merchants who are so supportive of hunting, and in the process, make their li velihoods a little better and let them know that people do support them putting up the good fight, even in a place where they might be a minority.

No offense Fin, but shouldn't these small business owners be standing up for themselves? I can't vote the knuckleheads out of office, only CO residents have that chance.
Now if folks want to boycott Colorado because of the CPW pushing an increase in Landowner Vouchers, and let the CPW know thats the reason why their boycotting, that would be alright
I'm currently boycotting all Nevada hunts, Montana sheep, goat, moose and Arizona sheep and deer. I suggest you all do the same.

I've said it a thousand times. Cutoff the eastern part of the state at the base of the mountains and give it to Kansas. I'm boycotting the Denver Metro area!
Dink, you're so metro...

Metrosexual man, the single young man with a high disposable income, living or working in the city (because that’s where all the best shops are), is perhaps the most promising consumer market of the decade. In the Eighties he was only to be found inside fashion magazines such as GQ, in television advertisements for Levi's jeans or in gay bars. In the Nineties, he’s everywhere and he’s going shopping.
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