Collaboration on the Colville N F Paying Dividends

That is an interesting project and one my dad has been involved with a bit. Good news for that forest and region. I also don't think people realize that without clearcuts or thinning in that country the mule deer, moose, and elk really suffer not to mention just about impossible to hunt without any openings in the canopy, unless a burn comes through.
Very cool article. Good to have statistics and not the usual anti-American hype against family employment opportunities such programs provide.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied a preliminary injunction sought by the Alliance of the Wild Rockies on part of the A to Z sale last year.

The court said the project complied with federal environmental laws and didn’t harm the viability of habitat for two sensitive wildlife species – pine martens and fishers. The court also noted that the Alliance members were offered a seat at the collaborative planning table, but declined.

This being within the 9th circuit says volumes! Great collaboration between the Feds, States (WA and OR) along with the valued involvement of local private companies able to offer employment within the scope of forest restoration, etc.
Only part that grabs my thoughts for some concern is the Fed funding to assure such collaborative effort continue within regulation. I'd like to learn more about that... The long term financial stability by Fed oversight - which I firmly support.
Very cool article. Good to have statistics and not the usual anti-American hype against family employment opportunities such programs provide.

This being within the 9th circuit says volumes! Great collaboration between the Feds, States (WA and OR) along with the valued involvement of local private companies able to offer employment within the scope of forest restoration, etc.
Only part that grabs my thoughts for some concern is the Fed funding to assure such collaborative effort continue within regulation. I'd like to learn more about that... The long term financial stability by Fed oversight - which I firmly support.

These projects are starting to pay there own way Sytes.

"Ryan Hughes is a timber management assistant for the Bitterroot forest, and he’s pleased that they’re making money off the timber sale, which isn’t always the case. The income will be put into the forest’s “trust fund” to be used on local projects like weed mitigation and meadow restoration."
Good article, thanks.
Ever since learning about this, "Collaborative" effort... my hopes are rising we are able to put Americans back to work who either had past family lost jobs or they, themselves having lost their logging / timber based employment - back to work.

Long over due!
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