Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System


I don't know why, but when I drink the fancy coffees, I wake up in the morning feeling like I've been kicked in the head by a mule....
I'm usually only a social drinker any way, cept for the one I drink first thing in the morning..
Elkchasr; sounds like you probably over indulge on the fancy brands or maybe you are adding a cup or two extra to your normal intake and overdoing the caffein. You know they say the best coffee in the world is served in Seattle. I pretty much agree with that. Got to be the water cause although MJB is really good coffee; it isn't anything special over Folgers, Maxwell House, Hills Brothers, etc. My dear little wife has had us on a 50 percent reduced caffein or "lite" coffee for eight years. I use seven scoops (14 Tablespoons) of it for a 40 ounce pot. That is just slightly less than double what I used for regular coffee. Well; I figured it was a psychological so I bought a can of Folgers regular and put it into a Lite can. In three days she looked like she had a vibrator in her pocket! :eek: I didn't tell her what I had done for three years! :D
I will drink "purty" much any coffee, I still work shiftwork! But, when I'm home I drink only Community Dark Roast. The coffee is pure Arabica bean,and the company( in Baton Rouge,La.) has only been around about a hundred years longer than Starbucks. Try it, you'll probably never go back to the "other" brand!!! -memtb
About twenty years ago a friend and I went to Ville Platt, Louisiana to buy 500 pounds of muddbugs (crawfish). On the way back we drove by a friend (cajun) of his rice farm. We were invited in and his Grandmother came waddling into the kitchen to pore us up a cup of coffee, this little old cajun woman did'nt even speak english. when she was poring the coffee, my friend made a sign for her to just stop at two fingers and I did the same. You could have diluted that small amount of coffee into a Five gallon jug of strong coffee. I almost did a back flip and I drink 8-10 cups a day! If a trucker were to drink thoses two fingers worth of coffee, he could drive from New Orleans to Seattle and back without falling asleep! But it was worth the experience, latter we bought a seven course meal for the drive home, a six pack and a bag of boudain (nasty). Ya'll have a great day. John
I drank a cup of "Seattle coffee" that last time I was out, (did a tree job for the lady and this is what she served up) and had a headache for two day's...It must be some thing else, cheap coffee doesn't seem to have any affects. I love chocolate coated coffee beans..Great stuff, but the next day I wake up with a steam roler roling over my head, and that is with the ingestion of only about four, (I was hoping that only a few would be OK...)All well, we must all live without some things we really love...
Yep Elkchaser; sounds like you just might have an allergy involving coffee. You might want to check you blood pressure after drinking a cup and see if it doesn't shoot up. Anyway I'll tell you about my buddy Carl. He married this Cajun gal and while he was visiting her folks in Louisiana they served him what he called the best cup of coffee he ever tasted. He said it was a blend of coffee and chicory. Really strong; but, delicious. He asked could he have more and her Daddy said; "Wha Cawl yo jes hep yosef; rawt dar in da keeshun!" Carl went in and looked around. He found two kettles on the stove; one with hot water and one with coffee which he began to pour. He said that stuff came out like tar; but, he managed to fill his cup. Said he figured it got a little thicker as it sat. He sat there sipping and chewing that stuff until his future Daddy in-law came out of the kitchen cussing and wanting to know what happened to all the coffee. Carl said; "I got the last cup!" The whole family went into hysterical laughter. Apparently the idea was to take one teaspoon of the tar and mix it with the hot water from the other kettle on the stove for your coffee! :eek:
He said a pot of that stuff would generally last all day and they drank coffee all day long! :D