

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
One bug I seem to always get bit by a few times while setting stands.

I wore my hip waders last time out.

Any one get them this year?
mdcrossbow...not too bad here this year. I dont get bit by them much, and I think its cuz I eat a LOT of garlic in my diet...they say eating a lot of it helps keep chiggers n ticks to a minimum.
You'd think I'd learn to be preventative but get a few every late summer...miserable.
trying to avoid these lil bastards is almost impossible...they got me again this year. had about 8-10 bites on me. I was sprayed down real good but they still got me! sumbitches!
...wear the Sam Adams shorts.

Good Idea...they are missing, I think they might have been stolen......I'll have to make another pair.

everyone, please keep an eye out for these:
Here's another way to help stop the little devils along w/ no-seeums & skeeters.It's gonna sound crazy but works.
Mix apple cider vinegar & raw honey 1/2 & 1/2 in a jar.Every morning or night take a table spoon of this concoction.It really does work plus makes you feel better all over,good for your joints & blood.Believe me we got some badass chiggers down here in Ga.& I never have a probl. w/ them due to my voodoo concoction.