Chicken? Pussy!!

That was a big "pus" folks. Dead, it wouldn't have fit in a 5 gallon bucket. The tentacles were at least 4 feet long At first we tried to bring it aboard to get the hook out, and just as we came to the conclusion that a live octopus in the boat was probably a bad idea it squirted ink all over the gunnels so we cut the line.

We sometimes boat-camp overnight in Prince William Sound--That trip we were trolling for Silvers. My friend with the live aboard wasn't around so we rented a runabout and camped on shore. We left a couple of lines out over night on bouys for Halibut or Ling Cod.

We did rake up a nice mess of butter (little neck) clams though.
Its really cool looking....i know they eat squid...but not sure about those.. it is a big one for sure...My wife caught a small one off san diego it was grey and ugly... yours has a pretty color to it.