Checking Out for a While.


New member
Feb 26, 2002
T Falls, MT
Bidness calls and I will checking out for a while. G. W. and I are getting together to decide which species we would like to go extinct next. It's been a hoot debating you left wing lemmings over the past few days. I'll let you all lick your wounds and regroup for a while, and look foward to reading all the kooky ideas you guys have when I get back. Till then, go to school and get some learning. You guys need it.

Put my vote in for the willow flycatcher.
Good luck, have fun, and hurry back. I need all the challenging I can get!!
My vote goes for the wild [feral] horses!
oh shit forgot about the burros and horses. They get my vote too.

Sorry to see you go, but I have to admire your Don Quiote approach to leaving, and declare victory while retreating.

How come you never answered the question on the Wild sheep breeding the domestic sheep, and FNAWS paying off the rancher? You said I did not have accurate information, but you never would answer what information I had that was inaccurate? Couldn't have been another Wild statement on your part, that just pointed out how much the consumption of fortified wine increased in T Falls, MT the past few days???

Now I assume you are headin' somewhere with TJ Swann and the MadDog 20/20 gang...

Best of luck to you, and I hope you find work.
MadDog always tasted better going down than coming back up. Nothing like being a teenager, pouring down the MadDog in Deadwood, SD and waking up in Gillette, Wy and thinking your in Spearfish. They don't make sunglasses dark enough to stop the painful pounding in your eyeballs the morning after drinking that rot gut.