Change of Plans in Wyoming


Active member
Jun 9, 2020
This is my first year elk hunting after moving to WY in July, I didn't make the cutoff as a resident for the draw so I'm hunting the general tag. I just got done crunching the numbers on the 2019 harvest statistics (too cheap for GoHunt) and there were some changes compared to last year that made me look at a couple new units in addition to 13/21 were I was thinking of going; 56, 81, 128. I know 56 and 81 have bears, I have spent some time in grizzly bear country, mostly day hikes, but this may be a solo journey. Is it unwise to hunt alone among the bears? I am planning on getting off the roads to get away from the crowds and still see/hear/call in some elk in archery season, is anyone familiar with the hunting pressure in any of these units? From the sounds of it 13 and 21 can get a bit crowded.
Can't really help but I've hunted 82 just across the river from 81. Friend I was with shot a raghorn the one day we hunted. We glassed a ton of elk in 81. 82 is essentially off limits to you as it's mostly wilderness I think. I used to hunt solo in grizzly country. It certainly puts you in a higher risk group, but just be vigilant and take the necessary precautions. You can look at 85 too, especially for archery season. It's a bit more timbered country and probably more conducive to calling. There's probably fewer grizzly bears there too.
As far as general units go, these look like relatively low pressure. I'd wonder about 128, pretty big unit and has the least number of hunters, elk probably low density, might want to do some research on that one, lots of HMAs though. Wyoming estimates harvest success, so keep in mind, and highest success rates don't always equal the best unit for your hunt. I'd look at averages for the past few years to see how things fluctuate, some units get spikes in success due to weather, etc. that may not pan out the next year. Hunter numbers in 81 have dropped last few years, not sure why, but lots of options in that whole area. Hunting alone with grizz is certainly an extra risk, some would say unwise, others would say stupid, others would say they do it with precautions. It takes longer to get an animal out, nobody to watch your back while field processing, nobody to push down while you run away!
Can't really help but I've hunted 82 just across the river from 81. Friend I was with shot a raghorn the one day we hunted. We glassed a ton of elk in 81. 82 is essentially off limits to you as it's mostly wilderness I think. I used to hunt solo in grizzly country. It certainly puts you in a higher risk group, but just be vigilant and take the necessary precautions. You can look at 85 too, especially for archery season. It's a bit more timbered country and probably more conducive to calling. There's probably fewer grizzly bears there too.

Thanks for the info, I'll be getting a resident general tag so I'll look at 82 as well as 85. fewer bears doesn't sound like a bad thing to me
Thanks for the info, I'll be getting a resident general tag so I'll look at 82 as well as 85. fewer bears doesn't sound like a bad thing to me
How are you getting a resident general tag without waiting the year?
Pedro, i dont understand your approach at all and think you are way overthinking it.. dont rely, hell better yet dont even use harvest data(they shouldnt even publish it), just spend a few days scouting/hiking, you got all summer. Its a general: its good in most of state so just figure out where u want to hunt not what looks statisitically easy. In my opinion Wyoming has a ton of elk and reguardless of what you "hear" about crowds its never so bad you cant kill your elk so just hunt where you want and adjust accordingly. I assume you moved to wy last july? Not moving here this year as it is a 365 day wait!
Pedro, i dont understand your approach at all and think you are way overthinking it.. dont rely, hell better yet dont even use harvest data(they shouldnt even publish it), just spend a few days scouting/hiking, you got all summer. Its a general: its good in most of state so just figure out where u want to hunt not what looks statisitically easy. In my opinion Wyoming has a ton of elk and reguardless of what you "hear" about crowds its never so bad you cant kill your elk so just hunt where you want and adjust accordingly. I assume you moved to wy last july? Not moving here this year as it is a 365 day wait!

I was just thinking the same thing today, and since I'm not sure where I want to hunt yet might as well just get out to scout and explore and go from there. I'm not looking for "easy", just decent elk numbers to see if I can get in on some rather than spending most of the time trying to find them and with the least amount of pressure possible so I can focus on the elk this first time around and not on other hunters. There seems to be good elk numbers in all of those units and relatively low hunting pressure. I just have to figure out a way to find the former and avoid the latter no matter the unit so I'm planning on getting off the roads and into the rough stuff. Don't have all the time or gas money in the world but it will be good to see some other parts of the state and get a feel for it. Thanks for the insight! I moved here last July, so a few more weeks and I'll have official WY residency. Won't be buying my tag until then
I moved here last July, meaning in a few weeks I'll hit the 365 day mark and buy my resident tag then.
Got it, thought I missed out last year when wife and I went on nonresident tags. We hit our year window in march
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