camp pics

compare to where you are at, I am down south Dave. Not to much going on here. Suppose to rain today and highs aroinf 40. How was you trip over the weekend dave. Keep warm did you and who won the crib game. Oh by the way is our camp still standing? I can not beleave that we got next to nothing for snow and just 25 mile toworrow the lake they got hit back to back. Funny to have people call in saying they can not make it to work cause they are snow under.Well not much going on here, I got a blind up as you can see and the wife says she going to go out hunting the first day of may and she allso took that friday off as well. so we will what happen. Bruce your computer snow under or is it the new job thats keeping you busy. Time for a refill.
Went to visit your camp Trent. Road was plowed to your driveway, which saved alot of walking. Fair amount of snow in woods. Camp is fine. This weeks temps are supposed to be over freezing so that should make the roads gnarly.


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wii like to play

Here is the new wii game we got. It works out your arms when you play the boxing round. So when it is nasty out side I can stay in and work out.
So thats what you been doing. I was thinking on getting one of those. Because there is a golf game and tennis as well isn't there. I thought it would be fun with the grand kids on their weekend visits. I never did get one though. I think they are very hard to get here. Maybe if the get a hunting and fishing game on them I will look a little harder into getting one.
Have fun.
here is what the deer are trying to get at.


As you can see they love these berry in the winter. I went out for five hour hiking around holland island. was great to get out and get back into shape. the wii game gave me a wake up call.
Well one thing is for sure. That snow we got on the ground will be gone this time tomorrow morning. It is 5:33am here and it is raining. Thunder woke me up this morning. So where you hiding at bruce, your new job keeping ypu to busy. Dave the camp looks ok to me,con not wait for vacation again, Not sure about this spring trip yet. we are back at it again looking for a house, got one line up right now that we got advance notice on it was foreclose. We even no what was oweing on it. but the bank going to try to access it for more.Well time to go and get other things done since i;m up early.
Everyone got the winter blue,awfull quite in here lately. I got a great deal on climbing step over the weekend. Basspro/Cabelas both was saling a four pack for $109 and change. I got a three pack at dickssporting for $35 so I bought four sets for $152 which would of cost $330 at the other stores. I tell you I try one out and it is the best climbing set up I have come across yet. I think I will go out and try it,since I try one at the base of a tree and once you place the weight on it,it stays put.So whats new with everyone? Bruce hows the new job coming and even better how is the club doing. Great place to go when the snow to high. Dave you still ice fishing? And I hope that you are your neighbor still taking the dog population down to the zero point. ooops the sun just peek threw, so I think I will head out. Don't be so shy guys and pop in here.
Hi Guys, It was such a nice day yesterday that I had to get away ice fishing. So Kevin, myself and a friend ( JC ) got away. Fishing wasn't very good. Between us we caught 14 smelt and 1/2 grocery bag of tom cod ( bait for coyotes). Fantastic day though.
Sounds like a good buy on the ladder, Trent. How long is each section?
It is snowing here now, and it looks like it might add up although the weather channel says we are only getting 5 cm this am and another 5 cm this evening. Supposed to snow most of the week. Don't forget that this week is Valentine's. Stay out of Bass Pros, Trent. LOL. Maybe a trip to Margaritaville, I wish there was one close to here.
Have a good week guys.


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Good to see you made it out for a smelt fish. That pic of kevin and JC , JC looks like your brother from that angle. I got back from trying out those ladder and that is a great purchase. I had three up in about 15 minutes and I was around 16feet hihe on the top ladder. I'm going to add a video after it loads. I take it you was around the saint john area fishing. I took the wife on her b-day to red lobster and I tell you, They had the king of Margarita dave. That glass it was in was three maybe four times bigger then the one's at chilli. Plus the buffalo wings place is open here now and it is a sports bar that is right beside chilli. So far to date, that place has the best burger I ever had here in NY. sure you don't want to hunt here again this fall dave laff.
Well guess it is not to much going on. its funny that I type this message and look up and see my last post with the snow on the ground. As I said on the phone dave here are a couple pics I took today.
Well I need to go and take a
hump day tomorrow, later guys.
Send some warm and sunny weather this way to get rid of some of this blasted ice and snow.
I meant to say on the phone that I would go halfers on your moose license if you get drawn. Be good to have an early hunt (Sept) than what I am used to, as I haven't been drawn for over ten years.
Well that weather has change to about a inch of snow. Good new is if the sun comes out the snow will go away.Allso went out last night to my set up and on the hill to the left befor getting to the daughter place was alot of turkeys.Bad news is that I didn't see a track around on the hill. deer tracks there are alot of them. I put out some crack corn. lets see if that helps the turkey/deer come around other then the squirrle eating it all.Well Dave we will see if I get drawn for the moose draw, guess the good part is that we get first pick of the area to hunt, since my result are in as you guys just start to place your draw in.I'm going to google a few spots if I get drawn and we will half to check them out.Well I bought the last of those climbing ladder this saturday, I got six set and I can not wait to get out there again.Time to go for now.
Snow is gone again :D sun got to much power for it to stay now. I was out and set up my new tree location for deer. I place crack corn out saturday and there was a few tracks around.Sunday I went back out and the area was cover with deer. corn was gone, I allso seen my first "robin" of the year. there was actually about a dozen or so eating those berry on the tree we place the apple on dave.Other then that there is nothing else going on here, some luck sob won the mega million in GA,Jactpot was (270 million). told everyone at work I pay there bills off since there was about only 13 of them. never happem thought :( Time to go for now later.
Well Trent, I am without wheels. I turned my leased F150 in today. I haven't bought/leased anything so I am walking. I can't decide on what to get. I wish your vehicle prices were up here. I send you a photo of whatever I buy.
Well what ever you get dave, make sure you get some good tires this time :D I know if I ever get another truck it is going to be ext cab and maybe in a 4 cyl. Some thing to ease up on the miles I put on. I didn't know you lease that truck either. What they offer a 4 year lease there or longer? Well time to get dishes done dinner ready, We are getting snow this time and there is know way around it.:BLEEP:
looks like we lost some post here laff. Any ways the weekend just about over and I did nothing here thus far. I think I'm going to half to wait on the gun thing, wife not into it lol. So last night here was crazy as hell , it was freezing rain then snow and thunder and lighting all at once. Only thing good about this weekend was I was out for awhile at the daughter and I watch three toms walking alone up the hill. Guess the hens are alone til spring. allso make sure you got your time change, good to see it light longer in the evening, allso gives me time to do thing if I need to. well hows the search coming with the midsize dave? weather getting better for you lately there.bruce you doing ok I hope.
Well guys, I finally found my car. I got a Camry that was a good price and low mileage. Its definetly not a woods vehicle so now I gotta keep an eye open for a cheap weekend warrior kinda truck.
Also I read in the paper today, that we are going to have 3 Sundays open for hunting during this years deer season.
Nice Dave , got to post a pic. You know you could jack up the car into a monster truck and have both :D Sure your wife would not mind to too much. know my wife just love it :rolleyes: ok I was kidding.What is new back home, I call my mother and she is down with the flu. I thought it was a stranger on the phone cause she did not sound no way like my mom.Well it is saturday and I just got home, thinking about heading out for the day. Oh we look at a house last night. It seem to be ok and wife like it alot. We will put in a bid on it. the bank trying to get $30ks more then what it is assess for. Allso I don't know what message you got and what was erase from here durning the hacker attack. But wife still not for the new gun, think I will use my canadian cc and try to hide it from her laffs. Other then that things are find here, there are turkey up the ying yang, we seen easly 80 bird just 200 yards from daughter place. where the two fields meet by that house and half way to daughter. Toms were puff up and showing off. well time to go and get breakfast start, later.
:confused: wow it has been some time since anyone has stop by. Guess the weather getting us out more often. The snow here that we get dose not stay anymore. snow one day grass the next. This weekend i'm going to put out my blind for turkey season. And do some work while I'm out there. Tomorrow is our annivery and I think we are going to go out for dinner. I joke with the wife and said it was her turn to think of something, if not I want to try this place that is by the river in weedport. I herd alot og good thing about it. Can not beleave it has been eight years tomorrow :rolleyes: She see something in me to be able to put up with my :BLEEP: all the time. maybe I will get alittle hump :eek: ok time to head out and get dinner ready. Dave give me a day we can talk on phone ;)
Part one


Wow have I been busy and I am sorry I have not been around.

Lets see if I can catch up on some of this stuff. with pics and small descriptions. The archery group is up and going and is on Every Tuesday evening from 6:30 untill around 8:30. We have Men, Women and children a like shooting and we now have 40 people registered to shoot.
some pics over the last few weeks.





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