CA Bears: D-5???

Lots of bears in D5. I'll be in a different section this year, I'm seeing piles of manzanita scat every time I'm visiting my spots with the AO tag. It's always good to have a bear tag in your pocket in CA if you can.
Lots of bears in D5. I'll be in a different section this year, I'm seeing piles of manzanita scat every time I'm visiting my spots with the AO tag. It's always good to have a bear tag in your pocket in CA if you can.
Are you familiar with area North of Hell’s Kitchen overlook off HWY 4?
Does anyone carry a sidearm with an AO tag while hunting Bears? My understanding of the regs is it’s ok to carry during Archery as long as you have a bear tag. I have my bro in-law tagging along with me this weekend and he’s a tad nervous of being out there. I want to carry my Glock 20 just to give him some peace of mind.
Does anyone carry a sidearm with an AO tag while hunting Bears? My understanding of the regs is it’s ok to carry during Archery as long as you have a bear tag. I have my bro in-law tagging along with me this weekend and he’s a tad nervous of being out there. I want to carry my Glock 20 just to give him some peace of mind.
Ive kinda wondered this as well. But i decided not to carry as the rule of thumb in my mind is: "if you have to question it, probably shouldn't do it".
Does anyone carry a sidearm with an AO tag while hunting Bears? My understanding of the regs is it’s ok to carry during Archery as long as you have a bear tag. I have my bro in-law tagging along with me this weekend and he’s a tad nervous of being out there. I want to carry my Glock 20 just to give him some peace of mind.

Archery bear- ok, AO tag - not ok....leave that one at home if you want to carry.
Does anyone carry a sidearm with an AO tag while hunting Bears? My understanding of the regs is it’s ok to carry during Archery as long as you have a bear tag. I have my bro in-law tagging along with me this weekend and he’s a tad nervous of being out there. I want to carry my Glock 20 just to give him some peace of mind.
Archery bear- ok, AO tag - not ok....leave that one at home if you want to carry.

Jryoung is correct. See below for the regulation. Always read the regs yourself, though. Don't take my word for it, or anyone else's.

(h) Archers may not use or possess a firearm while in the field engaged in archery hunting during an archery season or while hunting during a general season under the provisions of an archery only tag except as provided in subsections (h)(1) or (h)(2).
  • (1) An archer may carry a firearm capable of being concealed on his or her person while engaged in the taking of big game other than deer with a bow and arrow in accordance with subdivision (h), but shall not take or attempt to take big game with the firearm.
  • (2) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the lawful possession of a firearm capable of being concealed on his or her person by an active peace officer listed in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code or a retired peace officer in lawful possession of an identification certificate issued pursuant to Penal Code Section 25455 authorizing the retired officer to carry a concealed firearm.
Jryoung is correct. See below for the regulation. Always read the regs yourself, though. Don't take my word for it, or anyone else's.

(h) Archers may not use or possess a firearm while in the field engaged in archery hunting during an archery season or while hunting during a general season under the provisions of an archery only tag except as provided in subsections (h)(1) or (h)(2).
  • (1) An archer may carry a firearm capable of being concealed on his or her person while engaged in the taking of big game other than deer with a bow and arrow in accordance with subdivision (h), but shall not take or attempt to take big game with the firearm.
  • (2) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the lawful possession of a firearm capable of being concealed on his or her person by an active peace officer listed in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the Penal Code or a retired peace officer in lawful possession of an identification certificate issued pursuant to Penal Code Section 25455 authorizing the retired officer to carry a concealed firearm.
What if you have both tags in your pocket?
What if you have both tags in your pocket?
I totally understand your point, but say for example:

Do you want to get stopped by a warden while packing a deer out with your AO tag and have a pistol on your hip, and jump through the hoops and possible repercussions just because you have a bear tag on you as well? People without bear tags have the same potential of having an encounter with a bear regardless of having the tag or not and cannot possess the firearm, my advice is to just keep the gun at home, or in the truck and avoid any potential issues altogether.
I totally understand your point, but say for example:

Do you want to get stopped by a warden while packing a deer out with your AO tag and have a pistol on your hip, and jump through the hoops and possible repercussions just because you have a bear tag on you as well? People without bear tags have the same potential of having an encounter with a bear regardless of having the tag or not and cannot possess the firearm, my advice is to just keep the gun at home, or in the truck and avoid any potential issues altogether.
Makes sense. Appreciate the insight, thanks!
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