Thought you guys might want to see som pics of my buddys first archery buck. 25" 4x4 shot it at about 40 yards I believe. It went 40 yards and droped. Shot it with gold hunters and wacem broadheads.
Wow lawn, junipers, and a brick tree stand...I want to hunt that unit!!!
Just funnin' with ya Hill- tell your buddy nice buck and a lot more buck than most of us have got to show so far this year! Congrats to him and thanks for sharing.
LOL you guys crack me up. Yea awsome country to hunt in huh. As for the cape, I wasn't with him when he shot it, this is after he took it to the meat locker. He is just mounting the horns, were poor colledge students and don't have enough money to have everything we kill mounted. I will see if he will log on and tell the story.