Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Boycott Dick's Sporting goods

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Around the late 70's early 80's I realized the America I grew up in was dead.

Earlier in the 60's, as a boy I walked down the street, 22 over my shoulder, brick of ammo and bag of cans. The police waved when they drove by.

I grew up where schools taught the constitution and what it meant. Today they teach Heather has two mommies..... The founders knew an educated population was the only defense to our republic. Liberals knew to win, they had to dumb the people down. My how effective they have become.

Then came a period where we gave up real rights. Gave them up without a fight. I was infuriated with the average Joes' ignorance . As I am today. Especially when the public used rights (which they didn't possess ) as an excuse to strip rights that did exist.

I leave you guys to worry about your "hunting rights." And to commend each other for being reasonable gun owners. Applaud Dick's, buy their stocks.
I leave you to further divide yourselves, until incrementelism works against you.
And I wish you all live long enough to have the gvt you deserve, and pray I don't.

Peace out
And here I thought the characters from King of the Hill were fictitious.
And all blacks had to do to stay out of trouble was not drink from the white-boy fountain. Those sure were the days of knowing what the Constitution meant.

We can sit back and reflect on an imaginary times and morals, or support some substantive change. But that won't happen so I see a ban coming and stupid stuff like raising the age to 21 and going through a huge background check to buy a 22.

[edit, Or maybe the President will just start banning gun accessories he doesn't like.]

And all blacks had to do to stay out of trouble was not drink from the white-boy fountain. Those sure were the days of knowing what the Constitution meant.

We can sit back and reflect on an imaginary times and morals, or support some substantive change. But that won't happen so I see a ban coming and stupid stuff like raising the age to 21 and going through a huge background check to buy a 22.

You can bs the fans but not the players. Mine was one of two white families in an all black project. I was 8 years old when MLK was killed , sitting on my porch when a 21 year old black male attacked me and I almost lost sight in my left eye. The day before we played baseball and kick the can. A few days after the stitches came out we played again. I find you implying that I am a racist or bigot laughable.

You infered something I never implied with your inclusion of the civil rights movement.
But since you brought it up and you have trouble differentiating.
The difference in your inclusion of the civil rights movement of the 60's and the 2a debate today ,is the civil rights movement was to enforce constitutional law . The 2a debate from the left of today is about "supporting substantive change" to restrict your 2a rights.

My analogy to the 60's was most people were educated. They knew that 2a was not about deer hunting.

I assumed, being on a hunting forum , most would have a grasp . But judging by a lot of reading today, as long as their hunting rifles are not affected, they don't care.

My original post was simple .
Public dissent= ballet votes
Private dissent=vote with your $

If Dick's numbers go up politicians see this as public support. So vote with your dollars as you see fit. Or don't.

Life is perspective. I live in one of the most liberal, gun restrictive states. So I don't have to guess when the left paints you as an unreasonable gun owner if you oppose restrictions on 2A. Wait till you need a permit to buy ammo..... Lol
WalMart wannabees.

Not sure where why the Constitution or same sex adoption came into the discussion, but thanks for sharing your opinion. Nice to put an opinion with a name....for future reference.


If you can't keep up with the conversation, it would be best if you stayed out. For future reference.....

Backhand Roll cast
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Watch the media have a field day with this guy. What a tool.

Very childish, it's called a free market. Fine, don't go there and spend your money but there is no reason to throw a tantrum. It's a private business they can do what they want.
Today they teach Heather has two mommies.....

What does that mean!? What joke of post! Enjoy a life of ignorance and lack of respect for people who view the world differently then you and want the same rights you have!
You can bs the fans but not the players. Mine was one of two white families in an all black project. I was 8 years old when MLK was killed , sitting on my porch when a 21 year old black male attacked me and I almost lost sight in my left eye. The day before we played baseball and kick the can. A few days after the stitches came out we played again. I find you implying that I am a racist or bigot laughable.
Oh bonus, not only are you not a racist, but some of your best friends were black!

But my comment was never about your views on race, only about your fantasy memories the times. Those times certainly had bigger issues when it came to constitutional rights. Violent crime rates appear to be down since those days too. You are only a couple years older than me. Those golden times never existed. We've always had psychopaths among us.
I have no problem with their decision to stop selling ARs. But their decision to stop selling ANY firearm to folks between 18 and 21 yrs old, THAT I have a lot of fault with.

Can you do, minimal, research before you post. A bar can choose to not serve to a 21 year old and have their age minimum be whatever they want. It's a private business!!! Use some common sense. There are hundreds of bars who wont let people, who are of legal age, into them because they want to cater to a older crowd! Read, think, research, post...
Very childish, it's called a free market. Fine, don't go there and spend your money but there is no reason to throw a tantrum. It's a private business they can do what they want.

I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.
What does that mean!? What joke of post! Enjoy a life of ignorance and lack of respect for people who view the world differently then you and want the same rights you have!

A product of today's education system no doubt.....
And another example of why incrementalism works.
I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.

Well you have already insulted an entire generation, yours, by your ridiculous post about how people in the 60's were better off and more informed then they are today so go ahead.
I don't understand why one would boycott Dick's because they choose not to sell something. It's their choice and they are losing out on potential profits from it. Who cares.... Why is this news.... Also you should consider boycotting other places, walmart has stopped selling AR's a few years ago...

I suppose all of you in favor of boycotting Dick's has already been boycotting Walmart since the stopped selling assault rifles back in 2015.
A product of today's education system no doubt.....
And another example of why incrementalism works.

You have already proven you are a bigot with your post about "heather having two mommies", and in the same sentence proven to everyone who reads your nonsense that you are so far from a objective point of view you might have well have been born in 1860.
Oh bonus, not only are you not a racist, but some of your best friends were black!

But my comment was never about your views on race, only about your fantasy memories the times. Those times certainly had bigger issues when it came to constitutional rights. Violent crime rates appear to be down since those days too. You are only a couple years older than me. Those golden times never existed. We've always had psychopaths among us.
Oh bonus, not only are you not a racist, but some of your best friends were black!

But my comment was never about your views on race, only about your fantasy memories the times. Those times certainly had bigger issues when it came to constitutional rights. Violent crime rates appear to be down since those days too. You are only a couple years older than me. Those golden times never existed. We've always had psychopaths among us.

Your in a wet paper bag punching blindly.

I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.

That Andy Griffith and Little Opie fantasy world you're wishing for ceased to exist long ago.

I'm surprised you even know how to use a computer.

th (7).jpg
You have already proven you are a bigot with your post about "heather having two mommies", and in the same sentence proven to everyone who reads your nonsense that you are so far from a objective point of view you might have well have been born in 1860.

Another misfire. The comment I made was valid. If the education system was teaching the constitution, instead of alternative lifestyles, people would know what 2a was for. And we would not rank in the middle of the pack educationally. In Trumps town hall, one student, who was incensed that you can buy an AR, he thought 2a was for defense but he was not sure.

His right for 2a was paid for in blood. By giving it away incrementaly, it will have to be paid for in blood all the sooner.
Another misfire. The comment I made was valid. If the education system was teaching the constitution, instead of alternative lifestyles, people would know what 2a was for. And we would not rank in the middle of the pack educationally. In Trumps town hall, one student, who was incensed that you can buy an AR, he thought 2a was for defense but he was not sure.

His right for 2a was paid for in blood. By giving it away incrementaly, it will have to be paid for in blood all the sooner.

Again....not addressing your comment laced with bigotry "Teaching heather that she has two mommies". You showed everyone what they needed to see right there. Hate and anger. You're a bigot.
Again....not addressing your comment laced with bigotry "Teaching heather that she has two mommies". You showed everyone what they needed to see right there. Hate and anger. You're a bigot.

It's easier for you to just call someone a bigot .

Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.
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