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Boycott Dick's Sporting goods

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I disagree. It is your only dissent. When politicians vote contrary to your values you vote them out. When companies do, boycotting is your only voice. YMMV

No, politicians are supposed to represent the people that voted them in for our voice in government and if they do a shit job hopefully they get voted out. Dick's is a PRIVATELY owned store they have every right to stop selling products. You aren't even comparing apples and oranges.
Dick's sells guns, before today they sold AR's. Sorry connecting dots is hard for you.

And before today they did not sell every gun made, for a variety of reasons. Either they weren't big enough sellers, they were junky, didn't like the price, couldn't get a contract with the supplier they liked, etc. Today they have added "negative reputation" and "too easy to be used to kill large numbers of children quickly" to that list. Sound business decision.
No, politicians are supposed to represent the people that voted them in for our voice in government and if they do a shit job hopefully they get voted out. Dick's is a PRIVATELY owned store they have every right to stop selling products. You aren't even comparing apples and oranges.

Sorry you also cannot connect dots.
Public dissent= vote with ballot
Private dissent= Vote with $
Around the late 70's early 80's I realized the America I grew up in was dead.

Earlier in the 60's, as a boy I walked down the street, 22 over my shoulder, brick of ammo and bag of cans. The police waved when they drove by.

I grew up where schools taught the constitution and what it meant. Today they teach Heather has two mommies..... The founders knew an educated population was the only defense to our republic. Liberals knew to win, they had to dumb the people down. My how effective they have become.

Then came a period where we gave up real rights. Gave them up without a fight. I was infuriated with the average Joes' ignorance . As I am today. Especially when the public used rights (which they didn't possess ) as an excuse to strip rights that did exist.

I leave you guys to worry about your "hunting rights." And to commend each other for being reasonable gun owners. Applaud Dick's, buy their stocks.
I leave you to further divide yourselves, until incrementelism works against you.
And I wish you all live long enough to have the gvt you deserve, and pray I don't.

Peace out
Well it's pretty obvious who doesn't believe we all have the right to make choices for ourselves.
Ridicule is not necessary.
We get your point, some disagree and that is fine.
I don’t know that I’ve ever been in a dicks sporting goods nor do I plan on going to one. I would be surprised to see if they were ever really competitive pricewise in the Ar15, or really any firearm market.
There’s plenty of other places to buy whatever rifle you may choose. I’m sure the regime at Dick’s Sporting Goods feels are making a big difference but in the overall big picture whatever their marketshare was will be picked up by someone else an online dealer or a brick-and-mortar store. Just another feel good measure. No different than changing your Facebook profile.
Good for Dick's. I bet that will help their business a bit.

Whenever there is a shooting, I always wonder if the victims' loved ones that are big time pro-gun change their view at all. Like if a hardcore NRA dude has his son or daughter get killed by someone with an AR, does his view change? Or is he still just happy to have his own AR?
WalMart wannabees.

Not sure where why the Constitution or same sex adoption came into the discussion, but thanks for sharing your opinion. Nice to put an opinion with a name....for future reference.

Good for Dick's. I bet that will help their business a bit.

Whenever there is a shooting, I always wonder if the victims' loved ones that are big time pro-gun change their view at all. Like if a hardcore NRA dude has his son or daughter get killed by someone with an AR, does his view change? Or is he still just happy to have his own AR?

If someone had a family member killed with a large stone do you think they would start disliking stones?
Since a 20 yr old can legally buy a firearm in most states, I would think it would be illegal to discriminate against some with respect to their age as a private corporation. At the very least, i would expect someone to challenge this on the basis of "agism" as it is now called.

Personally, I've never bought anything at Dick's. it ain't my kind of place
Around the late 70's early 80's I realized the America I grew up in was dead.

Earlier in the 60's, as a boy I walked down the street, 22 over my shoulder, brick of ammo and bag of cans. The police waved when they drove by.

I grew up where schools taught the constitution and what it meant. Today they teach Heather has two mommies..... The founders knew an educated population was the only defense to our republic. Liberals knew to win, they had to dumb the people down. My how effective they have become.

Then came a period where we gave up real rights. Gave them up without a fight. I was infuriated with the average Joes' ignorance . As I am today. Especially when the public used rights (which they didn't possess ) as an excuse to strip rights that did exist.

I leave you guys to worry about your "hunting rights." And to commend each other for being reasonable gun owners. Applaud Dick's, buy their stocks.
I leave you to further divide yourselves, until incrementelism works against you.
And I wish you all live long enough to have the gvt you deserve, and pray I don't.

Peace out
And all blacks had to do to stay out of trouble was not drink from the white-boy fountain. Those sure were the days of knowing what the Constitution meant.

We can sit back and reflect on an imaginary times and morals, or support some substantive change. But that won't happen so I see a ban coming and stupid stuff like raising the age to 21 and going through a huge background check to buy a 22.

[edit, Or maybe the President will just start banning gun accessories he doesn't like.]
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Around the late 70's early 80's I realized the America I grew up in was dead.

Earlier in the 60's, as a boy I walked down the street, 22 over my shoulder, brick of ammo and bag of cans. The police waved when they drove by.

I grew up where schools taught the constitution and what it meant. Today they teach Heather has two mommies..... The founders knew an educated population was the only defense to our republic. Liberals knew to win, they had to dumb the people down. My how effective they have become.

Then came a period where we gave up real rights. Gave them up without a fight. I was infuriated with the average Joes' ignorance . As I am today. Especially when the public used rights (which they didn't possess ) as an excuse to strip rights that did exist.

I leave you guys to worry about your "hunting rights." And to commend each other for being reasonable gun owners. Applaud Dick's, buy their stocks.
I leave you to further divide yourselves, until incrementelism works against you.
And I wish you all live long enough to have the gvt you deserve, and pray I don't.

Peace out

Wow dude.

Just some fyi, it isn't the 60's anymore. Times change. Maybe you should consider a little change as well. Although I don't know why I'm even wasting my time as those are some damn deep ruts that you're in.
I really didn't know a company deciding not to sell a product causes such a big deal? Do not like it shop elsewhere that is why our country is still the best because we can choose to do things like that. and I do believe you can refuse sale or service to anyone? Not 100% sure on that but I think they would be fine saying no you cannot buy a firearm. I personally do not think this will hurt them I have been in a Dicks once or twice not my cup of tea but they will be ok with losing a few of the boycotters.
and I do believe you can refuse sale or service to anyone? Not 100% sure on that but I think they would be fine saying no you cannot buy a firearm.

Could they say no based on the color of their skin or the shape of their nose? No, of course not. I don't think the age requirement will survive the first court challenge. I doubt it will even get that far.
I say a store has a right to sell what and to whom they want. Just like the wedding cake fiasco here in Oregon. The bakers should have the right to not make a cake for something they do not believe in. The people buying the cake can easily go elsewhere. I have spent lots of money with Dicks because of the coaching I do. I may have bought a box of shells or something one time. I will do whatever I can to no longer shop there. Its my choice. Just like Hertz,Avis, Delta, Simplesafe. The best way to show your disapproval is with your dollars. Because it ALWAYS about the dollar. Dont think these companies are boycotting the NRA or stop selling AR's because they think its right or moral. It is about the MONEY. They think they will get more support by distancing themselves from the NRA and guns, then by supporting. It will backfire.
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