Boy today was busy... Usually I'm not ;)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So I have to say Sorry to Wylee and Jaxon for today. It seems like every friggin time I want to sit and Visit for a Min the Dang phone rings, It's not normal.. really.... :(

Jaxon stopped by and I was on the phone, got off real quick got him some info to him and BAM, another call I had to take. I barely got to say hi and bye. Dude I owe you a lunch, CALL me, We'll set it up !!!!!!

Then Wylee comes over for dinner with his family and although not common, I had to take a Call... or two .. or ....maybe it was jsut one . Eh ? ;) then as they were leaving my realestate agent came over and we had to plug some numbers on a deal.

Come to think of it, I might have had to call IdahoBugler back "once" too when he called about Aplications....:eek: But we did get our Aplication for Wyoming off .. BOOOOOO YAH !!!! I'm jsut glad he lets me come over at 10PM, more people should be like that ;)

Now, I am not in Sales and I know guys that are, I will have to say I couldn't imagine what it would be like. I have a Real good friend that uses 12,000 mins + a month on his Cell plan.... Someone calculate that out, because most of the day he's on a Land line doing buisness as well. I'm just glad I'm not "that" busy :D

Anyways... just wanted to offer up my "sorry's" for haveing an Off day and beening busy, really, It's usually not like that.... I just sit around being board all day !!!! :p Why can't people do Business after 9PM ? 9-midnight works for me, Kids are asleep and the calls slow down, I jsut wanted to... RING.....RING.....RING..... I'll BRB ........ :D
Who could have possably called you today ?
12,000 wow, I'm in sales and I go through 1,500, maby 2,000 min/month.
HAHA, You always call when I'm not doing anything. (Just as an FYI I wouldn't have answered your call if I was busy.... No offence :p) Well, Actually I was Filling up my truck today with Gas in "STAR IDAHO" when you called :D I was wearing jeans with no holes and a buttoned up shirt, I felt a little over dressed. When you come to town I'll take you through Star so you know what I mean :p ;)

YAh, 12,000 not 1,200. Thats 6.5 Hours a day 7 days a week. That's not a Bullchit # either. Although I'd like his money (or 1/100th of it), I'm glad I'm not "THAT" busy....... "yet" ;)
Don't worry little "O" kept me entertained in your absence, wink wink. Thanks for the invite, I know our side had fun, we need to do that more often, although it will have to be at your place from here on out, I can't even begin to compete with the size of your TV.