NEW SITKA Ambient 75

BLM Nomination

23 year old college student huh?

i did a few things when i was 23 that would cause some problems if i went for public office

personally i'm worried about her track record as non college student adult, which i know little about, because stories like this really cloud figuring that stuff out

basically i'd like to learn more about what she's about besides the fact that she sent a profane letter about her friends spiking trees and then she ratted em out - so it seems the only thing i know for sure about her is that she was an ultra shitty friend in college ;)
I've worked with tracy for a long time. She's a pragmatic, thoughtful leader. Trying to dig up dirt like this is proof that her vetting was clean & there's no deal-breaker other than she's not a Republican.

Here's a few of her accomplishments:

1.) As Executive Director of the Clark Fork Coalition, she led the effort to remove Milltown Dam & rejoin the Clark Fork & Blackfoot for better fish migration and spawning habitat for 2 native fish species, Westslope Cutthroat & Bull Trout.

2.) As Tester's state-based conservation staff, she was one of the first to see the need for a congressional action to help delist wolves in MT & ID. Her insistance and perseverence is why they are delisted to a great extent.She also pushed hard for the passage of the Rocky Mtn Front Heritage Act in 2012, which led to the protection of a huge chunk of wildlife habitat both in Big W Wilderness & a new Conservation Management Area. She also was at the vanguard of working on LWCF to get permanent reauthorization & full funding.

3.) As Bullock's Chief of Staff, she was instrumental in pushing back against the MT Legislature's push to transfer & sell public land, as well as being in the mix on issues such as Habitat Montana (Access) and Good Neighbor Authority (cutting trees for habitat & better WUI firefighting abilities).

4.) At the National Wildlife Federation, she led the effort to oust William Perry Pendley who was illegally placed, and push back against opening 64 million acres of critical wildlife habitat to oil & gas development without strong developmental sidebars (mitigation, restoration, etc). She also worked to get better budgets for our wildlife & public land managers, fight against the Pebble Mine, stop development of ANWRT, pursue better conservation outcomes across the swath of public lands in terms of wildlife management & increased budgets to restore public lands and eliminate weeds, etc.

5.) She's a damned good hunter and usually puts an elk or couple of deer in the freezer every year.

6.) She'll be a great leader at the BLM.
You bet, nothing to see here, were she a Republican, the media and Dems would surely give her a pass..

The last Republican to hold that position was removed for illegally serving. William Perry Pendley didn't have a hearing and never had to answer questions about his past, ancient or recent.

Not sure you want to "whatabout" this one pal. ;)
You know me, where there's horseshit, there must be a new pony. Pendley was a slimy Diggler'sih looking crony, but I digress. it's justifiable obstructionism we're talking about when it's the Grand's virtuous nobility otherwise. Imma stick with the obvious my esteem'd spin meister....
You know me, where there's horseshit, there must be a new pony. Pendley was a slimy Diggler'sih looking crony, but I digress. it's justifiable obstructionism we're talking about when it's the Grand's virtuous nobility otherwise. Imma stick with the obvious my esteem'd spin meister....
I changed my name to DJ Snarkalot. Make a note.

I'm all for her answering the question, but let's call a spade a spade here. This is partisan rambling disguised as concern over an agency they didn't care was being led by an illegally installed Snidely Whiplash impersonator.
BrotherSnark I am calling a spade a're disagreeing with me, I am agreeing with you....
I lean pretty far to the right, with that being said. This nominee is probably the most qualified person we have had in the last 3 or 4 cabinets. I could care less about what she did in college, I do care about what she has done in her professional life and for the most part everything has been positive
I mean we all do dumb things as a young person but being associated with Tree Spiking is pretty bad for someone who is going to manage public land...... that being said I don't have a suggestion for who would bet better so...
Am I the only one that doesn't understand most of the political jabs above? I'm pretty sure I know what red & blue stand for, but beyond that I'm lost. Maybe it's because I don't watch any of the 24/7 'news' shows?
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