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Blizzard for the history books?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Damn, this is a nasty one here in WI. The winds are biting so hard I had to come in half way through trying to plow the drive with the ATV just to run warm water over my fingers. It is deadly out there, i feel for the critters that have to endure this day.
5 foot drifts in the driveway, and no place to push the stuff except off into the lawn.
A good day to work on my taxes for the year.

Whats it like where your at in this mess?
No snow up here... it's about 11 degrees and pretty windy tho...

This one is suppose to miss us - thank gawd !!

Good Luck & Stay warm !!

You can pay my tax bill too, if you'd like....;)
Farther south in Central Illinois, it was much the same, but we had mostly sleet and it stung when it hit your face. I had to go out to the barn to get an inverter and some 12 volt batteries so I could watch the TV weather when the power went off.
Here in northeast Iowa, "I believe that we missed the snow", howver the 7 inches that we got the day before is causing white-out and blizzard conditions. Hard to actually tell if it's snowing with all the blowing. My 3/4 mile long driveway is totally drifted in. As bad as I have ever seen it. Neighbors will have to come with the big blower to get me out.

Good luck to all & be safe
the dog
Frickin mess with the wind. My brother had to come get my blower this morning and blow the road for half mile to get the feed truck into his barn. Snowmobile travel only till we dig ourselves out. I've got feed coming today also, fun fun.:rolleyes:
made it home from work this morning and it was nasty 5drifts in I get to go to sleep and wake up later to shovel my house out.CAN NOT WAIT FOR SPRING!
No drifts here as Ice doesn't blow around. Everything here is schellaced with it...
50 miles east of Madison - we got the full works - snow and high winds. Not going anywhere until the plows show up for the first pass. Driveway is loaded and front walk is at 4 foot. Everyone make sure that your furnace vents aren't blocked.:)
Something I don't get to say very often. 19 here this morning with windchills in the low single digits. Actually calling for snow on Friday.:D:D:D
I just missed the ice and heavy snow by miles. Super windy, though...gusting to 45.
174in, we had a huge ice storm 2 years ago. We got almost 2 inches of ice and were out of power for 2 weeks. I hope the winds don't make your situation worse.
Central Kenosha cty, WI 5+ foot drifts, roads havent been plowed since 9-10 pm last night. 3 feet of snow in what used to be the road, not 3 ft drifts but 3 ft of solid snow far as the eye can see.





-11 here in Colorado Springs but hey at least the winds aren't here today...Yesterday was just flat out brutal.. no snow to speak of so there is another plus oh yea it is supposed to get up to 1 today woohooo
Official temp in Laramie this morning was 39 below with a wind chill of 61 below. Bad day to drive a diesel.
Jeez Brudno you guys got hammered down there. Marshfield has sunny skies and we only got a dusting yesterday and last nite. Not that I'm complaining.

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