Bizarre stuff you see when hunting.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
western Colorado
Got any photos of the bizarre, strange of even marginally weird stuff you have seen when out hunting in the woods?

here's a prize I came across this fall...


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Well, I've never ran into JoseQuervo when I was hunting but if I did I'd take a picture and put in on your post.
Found a little moose lake a mile or so off the beaten path. This sign was there with his hat, lariat, chaps, and boots. Most likely his ashes were close by.


his lake
About 10-12 years ago I was spring black bear hunting in Montana and I was looking at a map and saw a gated road that looked promising. It was about 6-7 miles long from the gate to the end so I was going to make a day of it. The next morning I drove up to it which was way up in the mountains and started hiking, it looked like nobody had been up there in years.

About 3 miles in I thought this looks like grizzly country another mile sure enough grizzly tracks in the mud on a shady corner. I kind a grap my bear spray make sure it is handy. I see something small and gray in the dark bushes off the road moving and my heart starts racing. The sun hits it and it looks like a grizzly cub. It is hard to see in bushes and shadows. I have my spray ready as I am backing up, it moves to the opening and it was a porcupine. I laugh at myself and am thinking of turning around.

I decide to keep going and finally see the end of the road a few hundred yards ahead of me. It was a hell of a long ways from nowhere. At the end of the road it is widen so you can turn around, a pretty big area. There wasn't one pebble on the road and it is all smoothed over with symbols and cuss words written deep in the road. The trees around there had all been peeled and painted black with black lace hanging from them. Old hatchets were stuck in the trees and some old folding chairs were in the bushes. The weirdest part was high hanging from the trees were 10 -15 barbie dolls and there heads were cut off or melted off and they were on the pebble less road.

I looked around for a minute or two long enough to get freaked out and then started back down the road and wasn't worried about grizzlies but who might be walking up the road, got back to my truck it was fine on the way out I had thoughts of my truck trashed and never saw anybody. No pictures, before cell phone cameras, but I bet I had my disposable camera in my pack, wish I snapped a few pictures now, never even thought of it at the time. My wife hates me hunting by myself always worries so I only told her about this last year.