Biologist question


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2010
What kind of questions do you guys ask the local biologists when going to a new hunting area?
I've only called the biologist once and that was for a moose tag I just drew. I introduced myself and asked about areas I found scouting maps and google earth. He opened right up and I believe it was because so many call and ask "where are the animals". Inquire about the areas you've found during your research and what drew you to them, then when he/she hears your not looking for shortcuts to a 350 bull they should be helpfull. Dig the Aldean quote btw.
Too funny jl, I stepped away before I hit reply and chuckled when I saw your reply before mine.
"Where's the best breakfast in town?" You would be amazed at the nuggets you can glean off the local guys over biscuits and gravy if you are polite and friendly....
I agree with MtnWest. Show them that you've done your homework and let them grade it...
Good advice above. The more specific the questions and locations you ask about, the more likely they will be forthcoming with info.
I recently talked to a biologist and begin by explaining where I was going and why I had chosen that area. He was very open and gave me more information than I ever expeected. If you show that you have done your homework then the more open they will be in my opinion.
This question cracks me up... In the unit I hunt in Wyoming, I was walking in on a trail late opening morning of rifle season (I killed my bull during archery and was deer hunting) and ran into about 8 groups of really pissed off out of state hunters. Apparently the biologist sent all of them to the same place and tells everyone the same thing "Go hunt ****** Mountain... that's where the elk are... and no pressure either." LOL
hmm...well I guess for all of the professional hunters that this question cracks up maybe one day I can get to your status ...but I thought it was a pretty good question to ask
This question cracks me up... In the unit I hunt in Wyoming, I was walking in on a trail late opening morning of rifle season (I killed my bull during archery and was deer hunting) and ran into about 8 groups of really pissed off out of state hunters. Apparently the biologist sent all of them to the same place and tells everyone the same thing "Go hunt ****** Mountain... that's where the elk are... and no pressure either." LOL

Smart move, if there were 8 groups I'd bet word would get back to his supervisor...not to mention those out of staters are probably willing to spend their money in another state next year.

Besides, if they're really pissed off by late opening morning, they've probably got other issues besides what a biologist told them.
This question cracks me up... In the unit I hunt in Wyoming, I was walking in on a trail late opening morning of rifle season (I killed my bull during archery and was deer hunting) and ran into about 8 groups of really pissed off out of state hunters. Apparently the biologist sent all of them to the same place and tells everyone the same thing "Go hunt ****** Mountain... that's where the elk are... and no pressure either." LOL

I say use any resource available when needed, however in the end the best way to ensure sucess is going to be spending time in the mountains and learning the areas that you want to focus on. IMO
hmm...well I guess for all of the professional hunters that this question cracks up maybe one day I can get to your status ...but I thought it was a pretty good question to ask
My response was more of a "caller beware" tale and an admonishment of the biologist in this case... It was not my intention to offend you. I apologize for doing so.
Mudranger , leave your number and let them call you back . It seems they get a little more chatty when they can call when it fits their schedule .
I just sent out an e-mail to the biologist in the area for my bull elk. I went with asking them no questions about where the elk generally are and more along the lines of health of heard. How the age class of the bulls is doing. How the winter did for the animals etc. Depending on the quality of the info I get back I will either respond again via e-mail or give them a phone call (after hours) and leave my name and number. Will let you know how my tactics work.

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