Big Game Needs Big Country

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Most of you know that I am very passionate about back country hunting. One of the best pieces of backcountry for hunters in all of the Lower 48 is the Rocky Mountain Front in Northern Montana. We filmed a deer hunt there last fall and when you see the country, you will be impressed.

When you see this country, you will understand why the prhase "Big Game Needs Big Country" was used for this effort. It is big country and it hosts the most complex array of native wildilfe herds of any place in the Lower 48.

A bill to conserve the wildlife values of this area has been reintroduced in Congress by Senatory Max Baucus - The Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act. The purpose of the bill is to take the concerns of locals, hunters, ranchers, outfitters, fisherman, hikers, and work to conserve the wildlife values of the area.

Here is a web page for the bill. You will see the use of the term Conservation Mangement Areas. This is a new designation that makes wildlife the highest priority, without going the full extent of making something a complete wilderness area. It allows for many uses that wilderness areas do not.

This is not some half-baked Washington idea. This is from the Montanans who live there, hunt there, and have livelihoods that depend upon conserving these amazing wildllife values. This is local effort trying to make a difference on conserving our public Federal Lands.

There will be an open house next Wednesday, April 3rd, in Choteau, Montana. It will be a chance for our new Congressman, Steve Daines, to learn more about the idea and why this unique approach to wildland conservation is worth his support.

We have an online petition that is being used to gather signatures for this bill, showing support for the concept. We want to provide Congressman Daines with those signature on Wednesday.

I will be at the open house, sharing my passion for this amazing place. I will be delivering the pile of signatures to Congressman Daines. I hope you will provide your support and I can deliver your signature to the Congressman.

Whether you live in Montana, hunt in Montana, or know of other cool places that could use a model like the one being implemented with this bill, I would ask your favor of signing this petition at the link below.

The elk, deer, bighorns, and the future generation of hunters yet umborn will be the greatest beneficiaries of this effort. I hope you will join us in this effort.

"There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country." - Theodore Roosevelt, August 6, 1912

Though he spoke those words over 100 years ago, truer words have never been spoken and never has their been a better chance to put your shoulder to the wheel of conservation and ensure the future of hunting in this amazing place, than with this bill.

That is beautiful country. My parents recently retired to Hamilton MT. My dad is an outdoorsman and knows exactly how lucky he is to have views like this.

Also signed.
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Done, also got my wife to sign, hopefully will be able to get more of my friends and family to do so as well.
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signed. I will get on his website and send him an email as well. I was planning to head over to the front next on the 4th for a few days of hiking and fishing. I will see if I can convince my buddy to go a day early so we can make it to the open house.
Thanks for the support, guys. Much appreciated.

Here is a sample of businesses and groups who are supporting this bill.

  • Anaconda Sportsmen’s Club
  • Backcountry Horsemen of Montana
  • Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, National
  • Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Montana
  • National Big Sky Upland Bird Association
  • East Slope Backcountry Horsemen
  • Great Falls Archers
  • Helena Hunters and Anglers Association
  • Hellgate Hunters and Anglers
  • Last Chance Backcountry Horsemen
  • Libby Rod and Gun Club
  • Montana Wildlife Federation
  • Montana Bow Hunters Association
  • ORION, The Hunter’s Institute
  • Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association
  • Russell Country Backcountry Horsemen
  • Wild Sheep Foundation, National
  • Wild Sheep Foundation, Montana
  • Crary Outfitting (Hunting/Outfitting, Choteau)
  • Headhunters Fly Shop and Guide Service (Great Falls)
  • Helena Outdoor Club
  • High Country Adventures (Outfitter, Choteau)
  • Mystery Ranch Outdoor Gear (Bozeman)
  • Seven Lazy P Guest Ranch (Choteau)
  • Sitka Outdoor Gear (Bozeman)
  • Sweetgrass Rods (Twin Bridges)
  • Trailhead Outdoor Equipment (Missoula)

This is the 10th public hearing for this bill:

4 by the Coalition to Protect the Rocky Mountain Front

4 by Senator Baucus

1 by former Congressman Rehberg

and now Congressman Daines.

Having worked on this legislation for a few years I can honestly say that this is one of the most innovative approaches to land management I've seen. It truly was crafted by locals.

Thanks Randy, for all your support on this!!
Montana Backcountry Hunters and Anglers will be there again to express our support for this bill....if you like it just the way it is, you should support this bill. Show up if you can. Sign the petition but call or email or write a letter to Daines as well.

The world is shaped by those who show up!
As a future Montana resident I am really proud to have signed this petition and look forward to being more involved in preserving our hunting rights, especially in regards to access of public lands. Big thanks to Fin for all he does for this great lifestyle of OYOA, whether its hiking, camping, fishing , hunting , or backpacking. Let's keep the adventure going!
Thanks Randy and thanks all. Montana Sportsmen Alliance is all in on this one.

Also, in case you hadn't seen it, here is article in the Great Falls Tribune announcing the meeting:

Subject: One Shot to Defend our Heritage on the Front

Main Heading:

We have ONE SHOT to encourage Montana’s new Congressman to ‘Back the Front.’

Will you be there?


What: Congressman Steve Daines has scheduled a listening session on the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act, a bill that would keep the Front a sportsmen’s paradise for generations to come.

When: Wednesday April 3 at 2 p.m.,

Where: Choteau, MT. The Pavillion, 306 1st St. NE

Why Attend: Like you, Congressman Daines likes to hunt and fish. But that won’t translate into protecting the Rocky Mountain Front’s big game habitat or our kid’s future hunting and angling opportunities unless he hears from us.

RSVP for listening session:

If can attend the meeting please RSVP on Facebook or REPLY to this email. If you’d like to speak at the meeting remember to SIGN IN on the roster as soon as you arrive at the Choteau Pavilion.

Can’t make it? Sign this instead.

Sportsman Channel’s ‘Sportsman of the Year,” Randy Newberg will be in Choteau to present our Congressmen with an official list of hunters and anglers who support the Heritage Act. Please sign this list today and let Rep. Daines know that Big Game Needs Big Country.

More information:

Big Game Needs Big Country:

The Heritage Act will help sustain America's second-largest migratory elk herd and Montana's largest bighorn sheep population by protecting the habitat they depend upon. It will also protect our traditional access and future opportunities to hunt in this truly wild country. Congressmen Daines can help build on a proud tradition of sportsmen protecting the big game habitat on the Rocky Mountain Front which began with the Sun River Game Preserve a century ago.

Daines can bring Montana compromise back to Washington:

The Heritage Act is a lesson in home-grown compromise that Representative Daines can take back to Washington DC. The Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act is about people putting politics and personalities aside to advance common-sense solutions. Republicans and Democrats alike support the bill. We may not always agree on everything, but we can agree to keep the Front the way it is.

Local solutions are best solutions for the Front:

Montanans are the best stewards of our land. That’s why Representative Daines should support a locally crafted solution that keeps the front the way it is – reasonable motorized access, weed-free healthy ranches, and world-class backcountry that supports our cherished traditions.

Hunting and agriculture are Big Business on the Front:

The Front has some of the most productive habitat and ranchlands left in the country and that’s money in the bank for surrounding communities. Hunting data from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks alone shows more than $10 million is spent each year along the Front by sportsmen in seasonal pursuit of elk, mule deer, and upland game birds. As a businessman, Daines can help support Montana’s hunting, recreation, and agricultural economies by supporting the Heritage Act.
Looks good. Good luck fighting noxious weeds especially if you want the BLM and USFS to be coordinated and apply effective strategies on the ground. Here in Idaho these agencies are constantly fighting to use appropriate pesticides. Sure they can use round up but it simply is not effective on numerous noxious weed species when used at the label rate. Oh not to mention NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) and the waters of the U.S. (especially if they have T&E species present). Fighting noxious weeds on the federal/state and county level is getting harder every day.

I hope this moves forward for you Montanans but realize that your biggest headaches will come from Invasive Species oh and politics of course.
Signed. Thanks Randy, Ben and others for your time and effort.

Added as a favorite wesite - the 'save the hunt'. Nice, clean and well organized!
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