Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Benefits of travel

I love to travel.

Let see lived 6 years in Germany, have traveled to France, England, Spain, Czech Republic, Old Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Poland, East German (prior to unification), Russia, Poland, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Luxemborg, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Greece, The Azores, Jamaica, Mexico, Canada, Sicily, Panama, Costa Rica, Argentina, Egypt, Jordan, and I am sure some I have forgotten.

You can learn alot by traveling.

What does the market in downtown Helsinki smell like?
Which is wider, Niagra falls or meteor crater?
Is Route 66 really as cool as it sounds?
Is it scary when all the islamic men on an intercontinental flight go to the back of the plane?
My daughter, who is 12, can answer all these questions, and thousands more, first hand.
Those who choose to live a life on a smaller stage are no less smart-just more ignorant.
That and .25 won't even buy you a coke anymore...
Been to all 50 states, lived in many ,just passed through many more.

Been to Canada (mum's canadian) and Mexico (Great Bass Fishing)

plus Australia, Korea, Japan and New Zealand and a few I can't mention (all at the behest of Uncle Sam and the US Navy Submarine Force)
Ithica trying to make a point and Every ones ignoring... that has to hurt ;)

How about some Pictures of some of these places ? Korea, New Zealand, Panama, Mexico, Etc. I'd love to see them. Awesome !!!
BOY has a picture of him and some pards on top of one of the big pyramids in Egypt. I think $50 got him out of the cuffs the cops slapped him in. Way cool picture though.

New Zealand, China, Germany, and Africa (anyplace on the continent with savanna) are on my list of places to visit before I croak.