Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Bears Ears and Gold Butte become National Monuments


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2014
Glasgow, MT

"The designations further cement Obama’s environmental legacy as one of the most consequential — and contentious — in presidential history. He now has invoked his executive power to create national monuments 29 times during his tenure, establishing or expanding protections for more than 553 million acres of federal lands and waters."
POSOTUS does it again. Bad deal for the locals and a sad day for Utah.
Research the Grand staircase Monument and the effect it had on the people that live and work there and I think you can figure out why it is bad.

I am all for some protections but a full blown Monument is not what the majority Utah wants or needs.
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I know about GSM, and it was a bad deal in terms the way it was executed. But, it seems we have learned from some of Clinton's mistakes. What specifically in the proclamation parallels the GSM, or what do you disagree with? Trying to understand the negatives, but mostly get rhetoric from the likes of Bishop and Lee which isn't helpful.
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The negative is we really don't know what is going to happen. I will tell you, The local people that live and work in the area, that have lived there for generations, do not want this. That is good enough for me.

Most of the people that think it will be "OK" have never stepped foot anywhere near the bears ears country. I bet most of the people on this site have never been there either.
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The negative is we really don't know what is going to happen. I will tell you, The local people that live and work in the area, that have lived there for generations, do not want this. That is good enough for me.

Most of the people that think it will be "OK" have never stepped foot anywhere near the bears ears country. I bet most of the people on this site have never been there either.

You tell somebody else to go research GSM, and yet you haven't done any research on these monuments, but just going off what you hear at the local....... uhhhh.... Soda Fountain?

Looks like the one in Utah has support from the "locals"....

For the first time, Native American tribes will co-manage a national monument with the federal government. Five tribes that often have been at odds — the Hopi, Navajo, Uintah and Ouray Ute, Ute Mountain Ute and Pueblo of Zuni — will together have responsibility for protecting an area that contains well-preserved remnants of ancestral Pueblo sites dating back more than 3,500 years.

“We have always looked to Bears Ears as a place of refuge, as a place where we can gather herbs and medicinal plants, and a place of prayer and sacredness,” Russell Begaye, president of the Navajo Nation, said in a call with reporters Wednesday. “These places — the rocks, the wind, the land — they are living, breathing things that deserve timely and lasting protection.”
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A lot of the "locals" have never "set foot" in it til they got off their atv's either.....
I do know some "natives" that have run cattle in the area for many years,but they don't count.
I do know the family is torn on this issue,pro & con. But they all dread what's coming with the rest of the public lands issues for the forseeable future . They have already lost most Rez. grazing rights to others with bigger pockets.
Research the Grand staircase Monument and the effect it had on the people that live and work there and I think you can figure out why it is bad.

I am all for some protections but a full blown Monument is not what the majority Utah wants or needs.

Funny my parents just took a vacation there, dropped a shit ton of cash on those locals, I suppose they could give it back if they don't want tourism dollars. Certainly more money that 2cent worth of grazing was going to produce.
elkantlers, research on the Grand Staircase Monument has not produced much adverse results so far. Perhaps you should elaborate.

It seems anytime special places in the USA are protected, somebody has a gripe because they have somehow "lost" the ability to take advantage of the place somehow. Typically, in my perspective, it is the same old "over-reaching gubment conspiracy" crowd that is whining and carping and upset because now it will never be paved and developed for $$$$$!
The negative is we really don't know what is going to happen. I will tell you, The local people that live and work in the area, that have lived there for generations, do not want this. That is good enough for me.

Most of the people that think it will be "OK" have never stepped foot anywhere near the bears ears country. I bet most of the people on this site have never been there either.

So that's the criteria, if we've never stepped foot there , we're not allowed to think it's ok? I bet most people back east have never stepped foot in the Custer National Forest of Montana either and there's probably a chit load of the locals who wish all national forests and all other Public lands would go away too, but I say to bad and I welcome the input and support from everyone, including people who have never stepped foot here.
I'm glad to see this happen. Maybe if Utah's legislators weren't the leading a-holes pushing public land transfer I may feel differently. Utah is reaping exactly what it earned. Couldn't be more happy with this.
I'm glad to see this happen. Maybe if Utah's legislators weren't the leading a-holes pushing public land transfer I may feel differently. Utah is reaping exactly what it earned. Couldn't be more happy with this.

Utah's brain trust had years to solve this issue but they instead dug in their heels & said now. Then when it was clear a Monument decision was forthcoming, Bishop rolled out the Public Lands Initiative which went nowhere, while stabbing local conservation groups in the back by including language nobody agreed on.

From what I've read, some local communities oppose, some support. Places like the San Juan Inn in Mexican Hat will sell a lot more silver in the gift shop, keep more rooms occupied and more butts at the bar. Others will find opportunity too. Yet more will simply coming pain about protecting a gem of the public domain.

More Monuments, Mr. Obama. Use that authority now, cause congress is set to eliminate Theodore Roosevelt's legacy in 2017.
I will tell you, The local people that live and work in the area, that have lived there for generations, do not want this. That is good enough for me.

Most of the people that think it will be "OK" have never stepped foot anywhere near the bears ears country. I bet most of the people on this site have never been there either.

I've been to Bear's Ears often enough to confirm my opinion, formed by encounters all over UT, that many Utahns do whatever they please on OUR federal lands, often in flagrant disregard of federal laws/rules. As noted above, no way UT gov't was going to preserve it, they just want to own it. Now they'll have to pry it from our cold, dead hands.

Interesting how San Juan County gov't tried to override the majority of its citizens, which are Native American and support the Monument. Guessing those are not the "local people that have lived and worked there for generations," that you were referring to, Elkantlers?

To President Obama I say BULLY! TR would be proud.
The real collateral damage comes from officially naming the area and putting them on the maps. Places that that were once known only(?) to me and a few others, now have signs and even graded roads. Sucks. No secret spots any more. GJ
I guess if you like designated camp spots with little metal fire rings and a concrete shitter 30' away it will be a good thing.