Bald Eagle


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Went out to see the horse and give him a little grain and saw a bald eagle on the way home. It was perched on a fence post along the refuge but guess he didn't want his picture taken because when we took the camera out and turned it on he flew off. I was able to get a picture of it through my dirty windshield as he craossed in front of us though. Man, I just never get tired of seeing these things.

Thats a cool bird elkhunter, we saw one while fishing yesterday, and from the looks of it he had better luck than us.

Cool picture. I am starting to see quite a few around here on the River (Missouri R.). I need to get out in the next couple of weeks and survey some existing nests. That is if we can get rid of some of this snow.

I saw 3 adults and a juvenile all in the same cottonwood gallery last week, but no camera. My bad.