Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Background checks on ammo purchases.

I feel safer with the dems coming after my guns than I do the GOP coming after my clean air, water, public lands & wildlife (and my healthcare, retirement investments, etc). But yeah, let's play identity politics rather than look at the actual chances of something like this passing, even if the Dems take the House.

Clearly, if we do one thing, it will lead to enactment of things so horrific that only hyperbole can answer our questions.

Gun owners should be at the forefront of this debate, and not just sharing silly memes trying to shame other people from their beliefs. We shouldn't be harassing and attacking kids who survive school shootings, and we shouldn't be swinging dick around to make ourselves feel better about our love of guns.

These are our countrymen & women who are looking for answers. We could be helpful in giving them something that would actually work. The right has correctly diagnosed some of the biggest issues related to gun violence, yet they refuse to actually look at ways to limit that violence. The left has misdiagnosed the problem and thinks that only gun control can solve the issue. Both sides continue to only see half of the problem.

Gun violence is absolutely a cultural problem. If you want to fix the culture, then empower those who are most at risk (poor kids - urban and rural, black, white and brown) to find their path to prosperity. Offer free vocational training & community college, even offer free tuition to land grant colleges - give kids an opportunity to succeed rather than simply tell them to do it on their own. Same goes for healthcare - if you want to honestly look at ways to better how we treat mentally ill, then you have to consider single payer. A nation that invests in it's people is a nation that thrives. It worked in the last century and built the middle class. We've abandoned those principles in favor of policy that rewards selfishness and greed.

Gun control is addressing a symptom, not the disease. Yet even with that acknowledgement, gun owners could be leading the way in finding real solutions to a cultural problem that no other industrialized nation suffers from, but instead we choose division, derision and inaction. That is how we truly lose our freedoms.

This bill has no chance of passing. Yet we do know that people like James Holmes ordered thousands of rounds off the internet, same with the LV shooter (stockpiled rounds). Same with the guy who shot up a Planned Parenthood. Hell, I have about 8-10K rounds right now in my ammo locker. If I want to purchase that many rounds, I don't have a problem going through a background check similar to buying a gun. It's not an abrogation of rights, since I can still buy them - it's a regulation of a right, just as all rights have regulation.

It's a slow day here, comrade. So here it goes.
Identity politics is a tenant of the left and the major news types. fighting fire with fire generally works.
Some of what you mention I agree with, so there is common starting point. the problem, in the end, is that
your people[B, the really shrill types, tend to take over and hijack everything until it becomes batchit california-ish.:W:
then instead of compromise we end up fighting the incrementalism because what we agree to is never enough.
These shootings would have been solved long ago cept political correctness won't let it.
And you can pry my right to choose and purchase health insurance from my cold dead bank acct. :hump:
Yes, most likely the 4th estate.

Connor Lamb won a district that was specifically gerrymandered to never give up a D elected. Trump carried that district by 20 points 18 months ago. State legislative races are somewhere are +40 for dems right now due to special elections. Alabama has a democratic senator thanks to Trump & toxic politics of Moore.

And then there's Beto.

Don't be so sure that the continual attacks on the 1st amendment & free press are going to save the GOP from their rightful fate.
Connor Lamb won a district that was specifically gerrymandered to never give up a D elected. Trump carried that district by 20 points 18 months ago. State legislative races are somewhere are +40 for dems right now due to special elections. Alabama has a democratic senator thanks to Trump & toxic politics of Moore.

And then there's Beto.

Don't be so sure that the continual attacks on the 1st amendment & free press are going to save the GOP from their rightful fate.

It's a slow day here, comrade. So here it goes.
Identity politics is a tenant of the left and the major news types. fighting fire with fire generally works.
Some of what you mention I agree with, so there is common starting point. the problem, in the end, is that
your people[B, the really shrill types, tend to take over and hijack everything until it becomes batchit california-ish.:W:
then instead of compromise we end up fighting the incrementalism because what we agree to is never enough.
These shootings would have been solved long ago cept political correctness won't let it.
And you can pry my right to choose and purchase health insurance from my cold dead bank acct. :hump:

Here's the thing, capitalist pig,

Single payer means more money in your pocket. Your basic health needs are met through collective purchasing & negotiating (that's the free market at work, btw). You can still purchase supplemental insurance for your viagra and boob jobs if you want it, like Canada. There is no example of a purely capitalistic healthcare regime. None. It doesn't exist. If it did exist, we'd not have literally every other industrialized nation going to some form of nationalized healthcare. It's cheaper, it saves taxpayers much more money, and it helps ensure people like Nicola Cruz get the help they need because we eliminate the biggest single factor that people have with getting healthcare, mental or otherwise - COST.

As for the shrill types, I don't disagree. The Rosie O'Donnells of the world are no better than the Dana Loeschs, Ted Nugents, Chuck Norris', James Woods, Donald Trumps, etc. They all need to sit down and shut it while adults do the work necessary to end this stupidity.
Here's the thing, capitalist pig,

Single payer means more money in your pocket. Your basic health needs are met through collective purchasing & negotiating (that's the free market at work, btw). You can still purchase supplemental insurance for your viagra and boob jobs if you want it, like Canada. There is no example of a purely capitalistic healthcare regime. None. It doesn't exist. If it did exist, we'd not have literally every other industrialized nation going to some form of nationalized healthcare. It's cheaper, it saves taxpayers much more money, and it helps ensure people like Nicola Cruz get the help they need because we eliminate the biggest single factor that people have with getting healthcare, mental or otherwise - COST.

As for the shrill types, I don't disagree. The Rosie O'Donnells of the world are no better than the Dana Loeschs, Ted Nugents, Chuck Norris', James Woods, Donald Trumps, etc. They all need to sit down and shut it while adults do the work necessary to end this stupidity.

Nothing the Gov't does is cheaper or more efficient, my confederate friend. The collective is only a diluted version or the original and generally more pricey.
Competition works, as does capitalism, until the politico's find a way to gerry mander and say 'too big to fail'. Kinda like your version of 'it's the right thing to do'. eh
As for the shrill types, I don't disagree. The Rosie O'Donnells of the world are no better than the Dana Loeschs, Ted Nugents, Chuck Norris', James Woods, Donald Trumps, etc. They all need to sit down and shut it while adults do the work necessary to end this stupidity.

I would leave Chuck out of this, Ben.


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Nothing the Gov't does is cheaper or more efficient, my confederate friend. The collective is only a diluted version or the original and generally more pricey.
Competition works, as does capitalism, until the politico's find a way to gerry mander and say 'too big to fail'. Kinda like your version of 'it's the right thing to do'. eh

Dear oppressor of the poor & vulnerable,

Read this: http://www.pnhp.org/gop

Again, name the system of healthcare that actually works for people and is based on free market capitalism. It's not ours. YOu & I subsidize everyone who doesn't have health insurance and goes to the ER. You & I subsidize old people, sick people and kids who need meds.

Competition in healthcare has created a opiod crisis the likes of which we've never seen. We've incentivized drug dealing through our medical system. Medicare/Medicaid cannot negotiate the price of drugs, and as such, are held hostage to people who would rather watch you die than give you the medicine you need to save your life, because you don't have $500 for the epi-pen.
Ben the only difference between the convenience store owner who gets railed over petrol gouging and the epi crook is a high paid lobbyist.
Dear oppressor of the poor & vulnerable,

Read this: http://www.pnhp.org/gop

Again, name the system of healthcare that actually works for people and is based on free market capitalism. It's not ours. YOu & I subsidize everyone who doesn't have health insurance and goes to the ER. You & I subsidize old people, sick people and kids who need meds.

Competition in healthcare has created a opiod crisis the likes of which we've never seen. We've incentivized drug dealing through our medical system. Medicare/Medicaid cannot negotiate the price of drugs, and as such, are held hostage to people who would rather watch you die than give you the medicine you need to save your life, because you don't have $500 for the epi-pen.

Hold the phone, my enlightened liberal humanitarian. I'm still reading...........
These shootings would have been solved long ago cept political correctness won't let it.

And what solution(s) is that, followed by a brief synopsis of how PC has prevented it from being implemented?
Barely made it past "health care is a human right", my progressive revolutionary.
Socialized medicine. Indeed.
The myth of our Canadian friends having to wait for health care. Nicely glossed over. I have had friends of mine come over the border
for MRI's (to find internal bleeding) because they were told the wait was 9 month to get in.
Didn't make it to the part about payment. I was paying "my fair share", or so I thought. Then YOUR savior decided my "fair share" was about 3 times more. Making me pay for people who
who make poor choices regarding their health and upkeep will never fly with me, my egalitarian radical.
We will have to agree to disagree.
At least until you try to see it my way :cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyclqo_AV2M
And what solution(s) is that, followed by a brief synopsis of how PC has prevented it from being implemented?

Some pretty good suggestions buried in teh 30 pages of Lawnboys thread. Bottom line, make it a hard target. But everyone would rather argue about guns.
Connor Lamb won a district that was specifically gerrymandered to never give up a D elected. Trump carried that district by 20 points 18 months ago. State legislative races are somewhere are +40 for dems right now due to special elections. Alabama has a democratic senator thanks to Trump & toxic politics of Moore.

And then there's Beto.

Don't be so sure that the continual attacks on the 1st amendment & free press are going to save the GOP from their rightful fate.

I'm guessing you're related :)