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Az strip cactus buck

Delw, I've read that story by Kirt's ghost writer and all I can do is shake my head. Talk about a convoluted,troubling saga. Lots of fingers pointed everywhere with not much to pin someone on. Hardly worth the trouble as far as I can see. Pretty sneaky claiming someone's buck for your own. Still what sticks in my noggin is his assertion concerning cactus bucks. I'll post his "theroy" when I can.
MarvB said:
Darner's tit has been in a ringer for about a year now...kind of came to a peak with the case below and then when it was investigated, more chit showed up under the shovel:

In you want to read some other interesting "entertainment" on Darner, here's a link below to a story I followed for awhile:

Long read but interesting. The sort of 'black eye' stuff that diminishes trophy hunters' accomplishments...however unfairly
I agree... and I'm the idiot who brought THAT idiot up in the first place. I apologise.
Getting (finally) back to this buck: Does anyone know if cactus bucks shed their antlers yearly like a normal buck, or is it a once in a while deal? Or do they just keep a continual growth happening (remaining in velvet) from their pedicles as the years go by and never shed them?
I think it might be the latter, but don't know for sure.
Thanks Marv. Good article with lots of information.
The only thing I would tend to dissagree with is the statement about buck fawns not having pedicles. They do. I've picked up a couple of skulls from fawns that died at about 3 months of age. The ones that were obviously male had little button pedicles and might have been able to throw little spikes if they had lived a few more months.
Cactus bucks are pretty neat.