AZ muzz elk


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
I tagged one the first morning. I saw a few small bulls scouting a couple areas but nothing worth shooting. Stan and his pal Brett called and said they were at Roy's camp and i should stop by. We talked a bit about what they were seeing quality wise so I knew what I should look for. This is not the trophy unit that Az has so i wanted to be realistic.
Opening morning Stan and I took off chasing bugles. After passing 4 bulls and getting later in the morning we heard one last herd in the thicker cover. We jogged a good mile to catch them and honed in on the raspy bugle only to find a dink. Then a wimpy bugle off to the side but we checked him out anyway only to find the big bull! Stan said shoot! But i wanted to make sure he was not busted up. We followed and i caught a glimpse of a cow elk in a small lane and put the muzz up to see the bull pop into my sights and let it fly. Stan asked if i just shot him and i said i shot at him but did not see or hear a hit. It was probably only 45 yards. 30 seconds later we heard a crash. I reloaded and we walked to where the bull stood and he was down and death kicking. He only went 30 yards. He is a point but a great one at that.
Stan will post pics soon. I am still out here having a good time. I hiked into the grand canyon yesterday and mountain biked Sedona today. Doing this from a phone so excuse the grammar.
a big thanks to Stan for going with and his pal Brett for helping to pack it out.
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An adventure that happens with friends, open air and the occasional "BOOM/SMOKE" ......looking forward to more adventuring stories
Looking forward to seeing some more pics of him, looks like a great 5'er. Congrats, can't wait to chase some AZ bulls myself someday
I had a great time with Pat on his hunt. I spent about 12 days scouting for him this Summer and like he mentioned we used intel from other hunttalkers who had archery tags. The best bull I saw this Summer left the area due to archery hunting pressure. Pat's bull has gotten as many compliments locally as about any bull I've seen all year. He's not 400 but he sure is cool.

The hardest part about this hunt was getting Pat to put his butterfly net down and pick up his Muzzleloader. That guy sure likes to frolic in flower filled meadows.

I can only imagine the sweet, sweet love made by AZ402 and Schmalts in that field of flowers.
When I first saw the bull, I told Pat to shoot if he can. I honestly didn't realize he was a 5x5 until we saw him on the ground. As thick as it was I just assumed with the frame and whale-tale that his 4ths were his 5ths. I felt kind of bad but when we got to the bull, I felt it was one of the cooler bulls I'd seen all year.

Congrats again to Pat on an awesome elk, it'll be hard to ever take another 5x5 like this one.



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And a good old AZ Sunset to finish the pic sequence. Thanks as well to my buddy Bret, AKA Shades Rearburger. It was nice being able to pack the bull out in one trip.

What a sweet looking bull! Congrats to Pat. Sounds like Stan earned some good karma in the near future with all the pre-season scouting.
Nice bull!

When I first read your story, I thought... He shot a bull, then went for a hike in the GC and left AZ and his buddy to pack it out. Thinking to myself, I need to go on a hunt with AZ... or fly him up here to go moose hunting with me.

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