AWSOME coyote !!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
My buddy jsut shot his First Coyote :



Jsut wondering what ya think .
That has to be a trophy "coyote".
I especially like the shot placement, in the ear, out the belly, nice.
Nice one, that is an unusually large coyote
Ill be sure to pop the next one i see that looks like that in MT and tell them i learned it on hunttalk.
I think it's an "ALBINO" coyote or something.. I haven't seen one like that much around here ? And I agree It's a Monster, I think he's bringing it in to a Fish/Game Bioligist to see if it's a State Record or something !!
All I know is if I ever Saw a 'Yote like that I think I'd shoot it in and leave it cuz It's to big to pack out. MAybe for respect of the Animal I'd burry it though.

Humm would that be : S.S.
You been surfing some of my other hang outs? LOL! We've got lots of those Booner yotes up here. They are going to increase the bag limit in some areas to 8. I just wish I could get 1. Had many an "missed" opportunity.
Anytime they actually stand still for me is when I don't have a gun in hand.
BCboy.. BLING BLING actually Emailed me these pictures today. He always Sends me a IM on Messanger when he has Cool info or wants to say Hi, this time it was Cool pictures !!!!

Anyways, So I don't have Fish and Game kicking in my doors, I fiigured I'd let the Beans out the Bag, Cuz there is always Some Dumb ASS internet Kook that will call up the Game cops and Say "I saw that this guy Moosie Knows a Guy that Shot a Wolf in Idaho... And he actually thinks it's a Coyote. You should Go out to his place and Kick in his doors and MAke a Name for yourself and Arrest him"..

At that Point I'd have to tell the Officer to Fugg off and then do A search on the Internet dumby that was the Beatch ...

Uhhhhh... WOW, It almost seemed like I'm getting into a Bad mood... I better go eat dinner
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moosie:
BCboy.. BLING BLING actually Emailed me these pictures today. He always Sends me a IM on Messanger when he has Cool info or wants to say Hi, this time it was Cool pictures !!!!

Anyways, So I don't have Fish and Game kicking in my doors, I fiigured I'd let the Beans out the Bag, Cuz there is always Some Dumb ASS internet Kook that will call up the Game cops and Say "I saw that this guy Moosie Knows a Guy that Shot a Wolf in Idaho... And he actually thinks it's a Coyote. You should Go out to his place and Kick in his doors and MAke a Name for yourself and Arrest him"..

At that Point I'd have to tell the Officer to Fugg off and then do A search on the Internet dumby that was the Beatch ...

Uhhhhh... WOW, It almost seemed like I'm getting into a Bad mood... I better go eat dinner
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Anyways, So I don't have Fish and Game kicking in my doors, I fiigured I'd let the Beans out the Bag, Cuz there is always Some Dumb ASS internet Kook that will call up the Game cops and Say "I saw that this guy Moosie Knows a Guy that Shot a Wolf in Idaho... And he actually thinks it's a Coyote. You should Go out to his place and Kick in his doors and MAke a Name for yourself and Arrest him"..

At that Point I'd have to tell the Officer to Fugg off and then do A search on the Internet dumby that was the Beatch ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
This wolf was taken by a kid that frequents a BC hunting site, HuntShoot, that I frequent. Here's the link to the story.
Bling Bling, where 'bouts you call home?
BTW, If you do any surfing on that site, I go by dana there. BCBOY was already taken. LOL!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-31-2003 00:11: Message edited by: BCBOY ]</font>