Ask your onX Hunt questions here!

@onX Hunt

Is there a way to select offline maps from the map view? I can only select from the list, which is less than convenient with a long list, would be nice to select them from the map.
There is not right now, but that's an excellent suggestion that we will pass along to our Engineering Team!
My wife would like to share ONX with me on her Android phone as well as mine. Is that a possible add-on? Is there an additional charge? How would we do that?
My wife would like to share ONX with me on her Android phone as well as mine. Is that a possible add-on? Is there an additional charge? How would we do that?
I would recommend reaching out to our Customer Support Team, they will be able to go over the options available to you. Their email is [email protected] and phone number is (406) 540-1600.
My wife would like to share ONX with me on her Android phone as well as mine. Is that a possible add-on? Is there an additional charge? How would we do that?
My boss and I both have OnX hunt premium.

He has an android, I have an IPhone.

We’ve both shared location’s to each other with no issues.
you need service to share anything in onx and there is no real time dynamic location sharing between users.
Airdrop might also work for waypoints.
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Last few releases are buggy as @@@@. Imported kml waypoints(hundreds) into a new folder and app won’t hide them even though “hide content” is ticked and green. Then it duplicated them. Worked with Sarah on that but I can’t follow up because I don’t have steady Wi-Fi in the woods.
Last 2 app releases including todays update won’t allow me to copy just created tracks into a folder, flashing some reason why on the screen for half a second. No way to know what it says. Desktop added them fine.
Was hunting yesterday and couldn't get my tracking to work. Using an offline map. The GPS showed red, track showed red. When the screen went dark, the track stopped as well. Also when I tried to stop the track it wouldn't. Only way was to shut down, start back up and discard the track.
Partners track was red but turned blue when he stopped and saved. Other partners track only had 2 straight lines. Both androids.
I haven’t had any issues with iPhone since they created the app till I started using folders, and I use a lot of folders
Any update on this?
Nevermind...I called customer dates available for Android carplay release and since its the 9-19 later part of Sept is out the window...Kind of crappy busines model to screw over part of your user base just because of the OS they use. Since I can't use it in my truck looks like I will get more familiar with the go hunt app this year. I been subbed to both for about 3 years now, been wanting to cancel one..figured one of them would make the decision for me eventually.
Nevermind...I called customer dates available for Android carplay release and since its the 9-19 later part of Sept is out the window...Kind of crappy busines model to screw over part of your user base just because of the OS they use. Since I can't use it in my truck looks like I will get more familiar with the go hunt app this year. I been subbed to both for about 3 years now, been wanting to cancel one..figured one of them would make the decision for me eventually.
The moment GoHunt puts trail miles on trails and adds the trail difficulty I'm likely leaving OnX. It's way smoother on all platforms (PC/web and on my iPhone). I've been an avid supporter of OnX since 2015 so kinda stuck in my ways but subscribed to GoHunt last year and for whatever reason it just loads and runs way smoother. Probably just haven't used it enough to find the glitches though ha.
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Any update on this?
Unfortunately, we've run into some unforeseen issues with Android Auto and the Google approval process. At this time, it does not look like we'll be able to release Android Auto for this hunting season. We're as disappointed in this as as you are. We are still committed to getting Android Auto out there for you to use, but it is taking longer than expected.
Last few releases are buggy as @@@@. Imported kml waypoints(hundreds) into a new folder and app won’t hide them even though “hide content” is ticked and green. Then it duplicated them. Worked with Sarah on that but I can’t follow up because I don’t have steady Wi-Fi in the woods.
Last 2 app releases including todays update won’t allow me to copy just created tracks into a folder, flashing some reason why on the screen for half a second. No way to know what it says. Desktop added them fine.
It sounds like that import may have been affected by inconsistent Wi-Fi. We recommend giving us a call, that will be the best way to diagnose the root cause of the issue and get everything straightened out. Our number is (406) 540-1600
Was hunting yesterday and couldn't get my tracking to work. Using an offline map. The GPS showed red, track showed red. When the screen went dark, the track stopped as well. Also when I tried to stop the track it wouldn't. Only way was to shut down, start back up and discard the track.
Apologies for the trouble there! We have heard some reports from other users of the black screen issue you experienced there. The dark screen issue does not seem to be caused by tracking or any actions you undertook on your end. Our engineers are working on fixing that issue as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, we've run into some unforeseen issues with Android Auto and the Google approval process. At this time, it does not look like we'll be able to release Android Auto for this hunting season. We're as disappointed in this as as you are. We are still committed to getting Android Auto out there for you to use, but it is taking longer than expected.
Onx set unreleastic customer expectations by publishing release dates for an add on that they apparently have no idea when it will be avaialbe..Dont use corporate cop out of "unforeseen issues" to cover your tracks now that you can't deliver, folks here know BS when they read it.

Funny you can get Android Auto for the off road side.
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Where are the available areas for the new "Leaf-Off" imagery? I see a button showed up but I can't find any place with the imagery available.
is anyone having issues with the browser version of onX today? Every other website seems to be working fine today, but OnX is slow and keeps crashing.

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