Caribou Gear Tarp

Arizona Elk Quotas

I gave you the best advice you'll get...put in for unit 1 and go kill an elk, unless of course you're scared you're not going to be in the 36 percentile of successful hunters. If you're able to run 4 miles daily and have 20 years experience in marginal units...this hunt will be an elk hunters piece of cake.

I aint the guy thats "perplexed" about AZ elk hunting.

Just sayin'...

Oh, and there are lots of "newbies" that value all options in the various point games.
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In 96 when I had early bull tag in 1, I scouted during archery season. There were 150 archers. I ran in to 2 maybee 3 the whole time scouting .I don't think 200 more will kill it. I allready said Ya mite have to hike a little more. I won't hesitate to put in there .I offerred info as this is what I consider My home court advantage in unit one.But sounds like Your the one who wants to piss and moan and Knock newbies (Me), so the h- ll with Ya. Sounds like You need to run 7-8 miles a day to mellow You out some. Hunt unit 4b it has the biggest bulls......BOB!
Zim, I think you'll be fine with that number of archery hunters in that unit. I had 825 in my unit (750 bull tags/75 for cows) and there were many days where I didn't see anybody until I returned to the roads after dark. I ran into some nice quality bulls in a relatively small area, but Unit 1 is really solid.

Since 2008, I've drawn 3 bull elk permits in AZ...

Great Googly Moogly! I want to change the subject - I'd rather just hit Buzz up for some advice on unit selection for my app.;)

I have drawn 5 bull tags as an AZ resident in my lifetime and I turned 44 today - never putting in for primo tags. I drew this year, but I've decided I'd like to draw again in 2013.
Zim, I think you'll be fine with that number of archery hunters in that unit. I had 825 in my unit (750 bull tags/75 for cows) and there were many days where I didn't see anybody until I returned to the roads after dark. I ran into some nice quality bulls in a relatively small area, but Unit 1 is really solid.

I actually know unit 1 pretty well. Would prefer to stick with it . Other factor is 90% of it burned a year ago. The area I know best happens to be the 10% that did not. I'd expect that portion to get more hunter pressure.
Buz H you are absolutely correct AZ is the pits and I would recommend Colorado any day. Hell they just give tags away in this all you NR feel free to venture over to - Most of us who live here would like to hunt here! Any of my AZ friends heading over to Sportsman Expo next week? Stop by the AZ Elk Society Booth and say hi.
Wait a decade or more then get a tag then the rains are poor so antlers suffer or fires close access. Heartbreaker City. I prefer to draw often enough to keep blood pressure low.
Whats 39% of 245?

Whats 36% of 350

Whats 57% of 150?

Are the number of tags issued relevant to the harvest %??? What percentage of hunters responded to the questionaire?

I'd personally rather take the 36% success rate on 350 tags (meaning they are harvesting 126 bulls and maintaining 40 bulls per hundred cows)...than 57% success on 150 tags (meaning they only took 85 bulls and may not be maintaining 40 per 100).

Also, since AZ is managing unit 1 for 40 bulls per 100 cows, there has to be significantly more than 40 per hundred for them to be increasing tag numbers...and harvest. What those stats also dont tell you is what the age class is on the bulls being killed, or the age classes of whats currently in the unit. Nor does it tell you how that age structure in bulls harvested has changed in the last 5-10-15 years. Lots of variables to consider versus just casually looking at raw statistics.

They are managing on bull-to-cow ratio...not hunter satisfaction surveys. Just the way it is.

Call the biologist and ask what the bull to cow ratio is for unit 1, age classes, etc....good chance of finding out plenty. More than you'll get from the HF.
Good points.
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