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Archery Gadgets


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2009
Is this necessary, or would a Gatoraid bottle work?


Urination Bottle

Regular Price: $9.99 Overall Customer Rating:
3.8 out of 5
I guess you could put it right next to your camera mount so you can run the camera and have a drink at the same time!!
I understand Gatoraid bottle work very well as water bottles as they are very strong for their weight. For a pee bottle, it would work but for MN deer, I just pee of the stand. I have even made several mock scrapes and had them torn up during the night.
Nah, I have not actually seen one, but wondering what the cap size is.
Who woulda thunk? Y'ain't supposed to pee on the ground? Supposed to screw one of the holders to your bow to put the bottle in?
I can see somebody in the ER. "Doc, I had my unit in my pee bottle attached to by bow and this BA bull comes walking out and I jerked up on my bow for the shot, so now you know the rest of the story."

In all seriousness, there are so many accessories out there for anything that has to do with sports that it is crazy. Just pick a sport and look up accessories for it.
I understand Gatoraid bottle work very well as water bottles as they are very strong for their weight. For a pee bottle, it would work but for MN deer, I just pee of the stand. I have even made several mock scrapes and had them torn up during the night.

I"ll have to try that sometime and see if it will bring one in this far south. Ever dropped a deuce off your tree stand? I figured if pissing worked why not ask.
I use water bottles, and go through two of them in a two hour period. I drink a TON of coffee. I only use them as I sit in a blind when deer hunting and it's so loud and obnoxiuos everytime I get out of it. That said, I was peeing next to the blind twice a morning when three bucks came by on three seperate occasions. Who knows?
What are you guy's drinking down there to make the deer tear up your mock scrapes like they are ready to kick your butt? HEE, HEE!!

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