Kenetrek Boots

Anyone pull a ND deer tag?

That's a negative of the first choice. But I got a whitetail doe tag for 4D.

Roger that over! Your odds of pulling a whitetail doe tag in a mule deer unit is pretty decent.

I was negative on my first choice and muzzleloader too, but I did walk away with a gratis tag... Although I do owe a big thank you to my beautiful wife for letting me hunt her land!
hell I can't even draw an archery tag!

You can still purchase the nonresident "any whitetail" archery tag, but the "any deer" (which included mule deer buck) has become a tough draw. My Brother-In-Law was pulling the NR "any deer" archery tag at least 2 out of every 3 years (or more), but that was before all these TV personalities started filming hunts here... ;)
1st choice NR Rifle and 1st choice NR Archery! Going to be spending a little time over there chasing Muleys this year.:D
My daughter drew a youth rifle tag for a mule deer buck in my old stomping grounds. I am excited to hunt with her in November and have already have flights booked from AK to ND!!
No tags for me. Not even a doe in my second unit. Will have 7 points for muzzy next year. I will try to get one of the leftover doe tags though.
We went 5 for 7 in our group all buck tags for eastern nd . Most tags we've had in many years . Should be great time
I drew nothing but my niece drew a youth mulie tag so I am hoping to be able to coordinate my time off to assist her. It should be a great year for it as lush as it's been out in western ND.
No deer tags for my wife or myself but my E2 elk tag will get me out and about.
People like to complain about it but if you pick and choose the right area there are tags to get . In western part of ND there are units where whitetail buck tags were drawn on second choice ! And these units do have a decent amount of accessible public land . However I do know that not everyone can afford to travel or have the time to travel somewhere to deer hunt I get that . It's most convenient to hunt close to where you live and for lots of us that means hard to draw tags . I wonder how many people from nd started to go to montana on the leftover combo tags ? I would bet many
muledeerjunkie, consider myself in that category, except I started building preference points in Wyoming for antelope and elk. I realize I can purchase antelope already with no points, but I am building for a "premium" area for when my boys come of age. Either way, the boys will be coming along for an awesome father-son time in Wyoming in the future!

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