Anyone in the Kalispell Area Missing a Husky?

This is such a timeless quote:

She has a mountain lion tag, prolly better leash up Tabby too.

And when did it become so iconic to point out the “solo” aspect? Shit, I’ve hunted by myself for decades. Maybe I need to go back and add a bunch of hashtags?
Soloing opens you up to a sense of vulnerability in the natural world that cannot be achieved while hunting with a team of doctors from the medical institute of technology.
Makes entire hunting community look REALLY bad for less than the cost of an elk tag in CO.
Technically it was free. The $585 fine was suspended. I'm guessing she had a public defender and they made a plea deal to avoid a costly trial.

She'll have to take hunter safety and can't use her rifle until the 6months is over.
Technically it was free. The $585 fine was suspended. I'm guessing she had a public defender and they made a plea deal to avoid a costly trial.

She'll have to take hunter safety and can't use her rifle until the 6months is over.
Meh. While she is certainly an idiot for the SM bragging post I don’t get the animal cruelty charges. It’s an abandoned dog that resembles a wolf to the average dumb dumb running wild in wolf country.

How is this animal cruelty?
Meh. While she is certainly an idiot for the SM bragging post I don’t get the animal cruelty charges. It’s an abandoned dog that resembles a wolf to the average dumb dumb running wild in wolf country.

How is this animal cruelty?
The only similarity between the pup she killed, and a wolf is they both have 4 legs.

Her real punishment is still owning the Vortex scope on her rifle.
Meh. While she is certainly an idiot for the SM bragging post I don’t get the animal cruelty charges. It’s an abandoned dog that resembles a wolf to the average dumb dumb running wild in wolf country.

How is this animal cruelty?
It was in response to all the public backlash. It was what local prosecutor had to do to placate to the masses because she stupidly posted it for everyone to see. Animal cruelty was definitely a stretch because they were abandoned animals (many in that litter had parvo so their time was likely limited anyway). I'm guessing that's the interpretation of the law that fit best such that the county attorney could draft a plea deal and basically result in a zero sum game. It'll all disappear in 6 months. A temporary dummy tax so to speak that will keep her out of the forest with a gun for spring bear season.

Unfortunately, the "sentence" has already caused a bunch of rumbling online so I'm sure she'll be harassed until the internet animal warriors get bored.
It was in response to all the public backlash. It was what local prosecutor had to do to placate to the masses because she stupidly posted it for everyone to see. Animal cruelty was definitely a stretch because they were abandoned animals (many in that litter had parvo so their time was likely limited anyway). I'm guessing that's the interpretation of the law that fit best such that the county attorney could draft a plea deal and basically result in a zero sum game. It'll all disappear in 6 months. A temporary dummy tax so to speak that will keep her out of the forest with a gun for spring bear season.

Unfortunately, the "sentence" has already caused a bunch of rumbling online so I'm sure she'll be harassed until the internet animal warriors get bored.

So public backlash determines the punishment in this country, not the facts.

Sure is terrifying. Not defending this chick at all, but the punishment is a big stretch. I would have shot that dog just on the basis of it being a stray putting pressure on deer/elk.
So public backlash determines the punishment in this country, not the facts.
Facts are animal cruelty is interpreted by the state. I am not defending what happened and that she was arrested but one could argue that her negligence resulted in a domestic animal being shot. The law was interpreted by the prosecutor, as defined by the State of Montana, with the facts given and that's why it went to court. The law specifically states

45-8-211. Cruelty to animals -- exceptions. (1) A person commits the offense of cruelty to animals if, without justification, the person knowingly or negligently subjects an animal to mistreatment or neglect by:
(a) overworking, beating, tormenting, torturing, injuring, or killing the animal;

Her negligence in identifying the animal resulted in her shooting it. Her claims of it attempting to attack were AFTER her publicly posting that she thought it was a wolf.

Again I'm not defending the results and why. I'm stating the court interpreted the law and this is the result
So public backlash determines the punishment in this country, not the facts.

Sure is terrifying. Not defending this chick at all, but the punishment is a big stretch. I would have shot that dog just on the basis of it being a stray putting pressure on deer/elk.
How do you know any dog that wanders up to you is a "stray"? Could easily have been someone out for a hike and they were temporarily separated. I often hunted birds in the Montana mountains like Doris Creek with my dogs. You shoot my dog ... you better have your affairs in order. No shit.

Read through all of this thread. That gal, her jailbird boyfriend, and her foul-mouth mother were nothing but a pack of knuckle-dragging white trash. As has been said by almost everyone, people can make mistakes. Just own up to it and feel bad. Does this chick or her squeeze or her mom show any regret? No. They concoct some story after the fact about this little puppy attacking her so she had to shoot in self defense. Bullshit. And I don't have any sympathy for bullshitters who don't own their mistakes. I'm sure if she'd immediately came out all teary and regretful, this would have blown over with no charges. But she NEVER DID own it until she had to face the judge. She needed to get slam dunked for that reason. Next time maybe it would be different. Make no mistake, there will be a next time. Those people are garbage. Won't be another dead dog ... maybe a dead neighbor or bar patron.
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