Yeti GOBOX Collection

Anybody thinking about Elk Yet?


Jul 17, 2002
Hamilton MT
Cuz i do every dang day.
I thought id try to break the monotony of the SI forum.

Anybody got any exciting elk hunting plans?

Ill be packing a horse camp and then doing a combo of day hunts and spiking out from there with a pack during bow season. Just not sure where in montana to do it this year since ive been hopping all over the state the last few years.
I try not to think about elk more than 18 hours a day. The trouble is the nightmares !
The postman is a 400 class bull, and he shows up with about a thousand "unsucessful" notices.
I think I'm getting stressed out.

how about staying home on kid duty like some of the rest of us :eek:

seriously tho, i told you my best idea. if nothing else, can i borrow your horses to get my bull out cuz w/o them i'll be eating my bull where it falls!
I've got it bad too....I guess that's because I haven't figured out what I'm going to do this year yet. Have a NM app in....putting in AZ & have a line on a ranch in Idaho. I'm the type that could go a couple of times a year and never get tired of it...

Hey RockyDog,

Is it ok if I have the map to the spot you whacked that little bull last year, since you won't be going there??? I know you gave 280 directions to get there.....
I think about it everyday that I see elk, which is nearly everyday. I am going to the same place I have been going for the past 14 years.
I'm about that all the time... I get the bino's out and look on the hills around here and see brown dots that are elk from the house. I run the mountains around here and see elk sign all over the place and know it is only a couple few months away....
Im even recording all the elk hunting shows that come on the outdoor channel.
It will be July 6th before we hear about the new mex draw.....think successful, think succesful
yeah, thinking hard, went up this weekend to clear my trail out, lots of down fall with all the snow we had. got through that then hit snow, going back up again soon. Was a beautiful day up there.
Applying for a hunt next week. I really hope I can draw out, if I can I should have a chance at a good bull. If not then its either back to the same old place or maybe a new one a little farther north. Elk season is the best time of year.
I found an excellent hard beaten trail that I saw at a distance on a hillside that you just can't see from any angle but one on the back side of another hillside, looks like a good place to sit and watch to see what actually uses it..Bear, moose, deer (both types) and or elk... :D
I get home from one trip and start planing the next one. I think the only time I don't think about going elk hunting is when I'm actually hunting em!!!

I'm planing a 10 backpack bow trip to my spot in SW MT... Right now its looking like I'll be going solo too. My dad might tag along for a couple days but I'm sure he has work to do, I hope I can talk him into staying longer...

Once I get back from that trip, I'm off to CO to hunt elk and deer for another 10 day trip, third and fourth season. I should draw out on a cow tag, and the deer tag is just about a sure thing too. Its going to be an action packed season, I can't wait.

If by some act of god I draw a moose, sheep, or goat tag. I'll probably cancell my CO trip and just spend the two weeks in MT... Please let me draw, its only been 13 years!!!
Welcome aboard NM50CAL Glad to have you here.. :D :D :D
Bambistew if your interested, let me know when your coming in and maybe I could come over and give you a welcome... Sheep not included.
I'm spending quite a bit of time looking at maps trying to decide areas to scout this summer in the White River NF in Colorado. Trying another new spot this year. And hoping that a friend doesn't sell his WY ranch out from under us so we can go on a mulie/antelope hunt the first week of October.

I'm also doing a lot of online window shopping right now for a new pack, tent, and boots. Maybe even a light weight 300 WSM.

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