Yeti GOBOX Collection

any tips?


New member
Jun 7, 2011
i'm planning a mule deer hunting trip in easten montana with a few friends. does anyone have any advice on the best way to hunt over there? is there easy access to public land or is it mostly private?
Eastern MT is lots and lots of square miles. Maybe you could narrow it down a little bit and you might get some answers.
North of Jordan there is lots of public land. Easy access. CMR is all huntable(around Fort Peck). Get yourself a BLM map and a CMR map. You will have company but if you get off the roads a ways you will be mostly alone.

Watch out for the rain. You might be stuck for a while as the roads turn muddy very fast.
Cover some ground on your feet. There are LOTS of folks that will be driving around in their pickups waiting for a deer to run across the road, but if you can find a few spots that are a mile or two from the nearest road there is a good chance you can find some deer.

Last time I hunted there (2007) there were a ton of younger bucks, but not many mature bucks. I passed on over 20 forkhorns and only saw a few 3 points or better. Ended up shooting a 145" 4x4 that was the biggest deer I saw.

Not sure what things are going to be like this year after the worst winter on record for most of that country though.
ya it might be a hard year for it but that's alright. thanks for the tips.
As stated before, avoid the temptation to cruise roads looking to spot deer. That's what everyone else will be doing. Find some broken country and get on a high knob and be glassing at first light. Even though most of the country is wide open there's more cover than you would suspect. I sent you a P.M. about a possible alternate spot if you aren't tied to Jordan.
Consider hunting the refuge along the reservior but keep in mind most of it closes early.
i'm not entirely tied to jordan, its just a spot i've heard good things about so i'm just going off what i've heard.
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