Any plans for OYOA on Demand the Outdoors


Jul 11, 2010
Just curious if there are any plans for OYOA to be available at for those of us who don't have cable or satellite? I figured if "life at table mountain" from the Sportsmans network can make it on maybe OYOA will be next.
Well I guess I'll just have to wait and hope that OYOA episodes are available in HD for online viewing in the future. If they can do it in Wyoming surely it can be done in MT.
Any plans? Not at this time. VOD and streaming rights are governed by the network agreements. Obviously, the network wants to make sure they get first crack at the premier of the episodes. We have to wait a certain time to allow for episodes to be streamed on VOD platforms.

We have an exception that we can stream them on this site within 30 days after initial airing on the network. That is sooner. I know this is not HD TV, but that is how we are doing it.

For those who want to view them on their bigger screen, there is always the DVD option. I know some may not like that, as DVDs require cash outlay, but for now that is what we have available.
Thanks for the update. I enjoy the stream from the website on my computer as well. I figured there were restrictions on what could be streamed but when I saw "Life at Table Mountain Outfitters" was available and its a Sportsmans channel show I figured there was a chance for other shows on the Sportsmans channel to become available in the future as well.

Its actually a pretty cool way to watch hunting shows on your own schedule without having to tivo the live episodes to watch at a later time if your not available for some of the middle of the day/niight air times they have on Sportsmans channel. Now if they would just get some better shows available I could justify the $2.50 a month subscription.

Keep up the good work.
I found OYOA surfing the net for hunting videos. Glad i found them because I used to watch the Truth videos. OYOA has a more personal experience IMO. I quickly went through what is posted on the website from my deployed location. Wish they could post some more as well. But I understand why they cant.