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Any MO (missouri) hunters out there?


New member
Nov 28, 2001
somewhere other than AZ :(
Just looking to hook up with someone that can show me this state and how to hunt whitetails in these dense forests.
I live in the SW part and would like to meet any from around here that I've seen on this board.
thanks for reading this.

[ 07-26-2004, 20:12: Message edited by: Mntman ]
LMAO I had to come in here and figure out just exactly what this post was about. :eek: :eek: Thought I was on the endangered species list anyway, me being a one of a kind and all. ;)
Mntman, I live in Nevada, so we can't be that far apart. Anything you need just let me know. I will be in Idaho the first week of bow season but after that I'm here the rest of the season.
Mnt man,i hunt in the south east part ,but head down to the lake of ozarks at times and bennet springs Good luck this fall
:eek: You probable wont need advice from a guy that hunts "The Missouri"(river). Oops I cant help
much , Good luck
Thanks much for any input on the white tails for I have not hunted them much.
Tried one time in the AZ desert with a bow and that was extremely hard. Saw does and that was it, no shots or looks at bucks.
Now that I am in an area that has only WT and no Muleys I thought I would ask for advice from anyone who has hunted them.
This year might be my first year without hunting until I can get established with some of the farm owners or get around and do some scouting on the public land.
Thanks again.
Mtnman- I've hunted whitetails in IN, so it shouldn't be too different from that in MO. I always look for bottlenecks, a place where the woods gets narrower between two larger tracts. I've always found these to work pretty well. Also, look for where the cover changes, like border between a big tree/open understory and some brushier cover type. Whitetails are edge habitat lovers, that's why they get along so well in farm country. Remember, it doesn't take a whole lot of cover to be a good hunting spot. A guy back home shot a buck that just missed B&C in a woods that was less than 1 acre. It was where five fencelines ran together.
Thanks for the advice.
Lots of areas fit that description around here.
Will try and get out soon and set up in a tree stand to watch them and see what comes by.
Thanks again.
Mntman, how far are you from Nevada? I have a spot right along 71 mighway that would be perfect for you to get alittle practice at hunting whitetail. It is bow only. Right now you need to be finding the bean and corn fields those deer will still be around them come bow season. The first part of bow season they will be fairly easy to get at then the first part of Oct. they will move into the oak trees to start eating acorns.