Another bear lawsuit

What an argument... I would think baiting keeps Grizzlies from being shot accidentally?

I haven't hunted bears in WY but give my experience in ID and MT I would think that baiting wouldn't be the tactic "most" hunters use... are there stats on method of take for spring bears?
What an argument... I would think baiting keeps Grizzlies from being shot accidentally?

I haven't hunted bears in WY but give my experience in ID and MT I would think that baiting wouldn't be the tactic "most" hunters use... are there stats on method of take for spring bears?
Baiting is the norm among the people I know and interact with here; I get a "REALLY?" when I indicate I spot and stalk exclusively. I'd be more than happy to see baiting go away, but I'd rather keep it than see it go away via agenda based litigation.
Baiting bears is one of the funnest, Toughest, frustrating and exciting hunts I have ever done. I feel that a lot of the people that talk against it have never done it and certainly don't understand it. I have never baited in a area that has Grizzlies but that would add a new level of excitement.
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Erik Molvar was a council member in Laramie at one time and did not get re elected. We saw through his agendas.

This is the opposite of where we should be going.

I would love if Wyoming legalized the use of dogs for bear hunting. It would be a good time to take the dog out shed hunting / bear hunting in the spring, rather than choosing whether I am going to take my rifle or my dog out into the woods.
Baiting is the norm among the people I know and interact with here; I get a "REALLY?" when I indicate I spot and stalk exclusively. I'd be more than happy to see baiting go away, but I'd rather keep it than see it go away via agenda based litigation.

Man, if you do not like baiting there is a state to the south of Wyoming that has an option for you and they are reducing the tags down to $100. We should be adding ethical ways to hunt rather than subtracting, but hey that is just like my opinion; man.
Man, if you do not like baiting there is a state to the south of Wyoming that has an option for you and they are reducing the tags down to $100. We should be adding ethical ways to hunt rather than subtracting, but hey that is just like my opinion; man.
I did say I'd rather keep it than see it go away via agenda based legislation...just you and I differ on what ethical ways to hunt are, no biggie. I find bears just fine in WY without buckets o' doughnuts.
I did say I'd rather keep it than see it go away via agenda based legislation...just you and I differ on what ethical ways to hunt are, no biggie. I find bears just fine in WY without buckets o' doughnuts.

Come hunt my area on a spot and stalk and you will be very disappointed and will likely leave without seeing a thing. Also, Just because you Don't mind baiting going away doesn't mean that there are thousands of people that would love to see it continue. When we start throwing other groups of hunters under the bus, eventually the bus is going to get you, and your way of hunting, too. we as hunters have to stick together.
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Come hunt my area on a spot and stalk and you will be very disappointed and will likely leave without seeing a thing. Also, Just because you Don't mind baiting going away doesn't mean that there are thousands of people that would love to see it continue. When we start throwing other groups of hunters under the bus, eventually the bus is going to get you, and your way of hunting, too. we as hunters have to stick together.
How theoretically disappointing for me. Sticking together is one thing, compromising my stance on what constitutes fair chase for the "greater good" is not worth it to me.
I did say I'd rather keep it than see it go away via agenda based legislation...just you and I differ on what ethical ways to hunt are, no biggie. I find bears just fine in WY without buckets o' doughnuts.

So, the thing about baiting bears is that you can judge the size and sex of a bear better; because you have a closer look at it.

If your goal is to take mature boar bears only, then your order of ethicacy would be: Dogs, Bait, then Spot & Stalk.

To each their own I suppose.
You can read the notice of intent to sue here

The claim that baiting leads to more grizzly deaths seems to be based on "fed bear is a dead bear" and examples where grizzlies were shot at bait sites. There is some merit to the former in certain instances, but that latter seems baseless without comparison to accidental take using other methods.
There wouldn’t be many bears killed in Wyoming without baiting. How many bears do you guys see while elk and deer hunting? I’ve only seen 3 my whole life.
There wouldn’t be many bears killed in Wyoming without baiting. How many bears do you guys see while elk and deer hunting? I’ve only seen 3 my whole life.

I used to think the same. I had an employee/friend who is an absolute bear nut finally take me out to prove my ignorance. We saw 6 the first night. He was seeing 40-60 different bears in a season. The good bear hunters know when, where, and how to look for them. I was amazed. We don't bait in Montana. I hear the same from the Idaho bear hunters.
Man, if you do not like baiting there is a state to the south of Wyoming that has an option for you and they are reducing the tags down to $100. We should be adding ethical ways to hunt rather than subtracting, but hey that is just like my opinion; man.

Said state also doesn’t have a spring bear season...

That said I don’t think I have had a fall season in CO, MT, or WY where I didn’t see a couple of bears. Usually I’m just focused on elk or deer and don’t want to take a detour on my hunting plans to deal with a bear.

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