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And so it begins.....


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2013
Colorado Springs
Got everything out of the shed today and started sorting and packing. Lots of laundry to do and pack in that HI-speed, monster water-proof bag I just picked up for a cool $19 at the PX. They also had Kamp-rite tent cots for $79...just don't have a use for one. I will finish packing today (except for food and weapon) and we willl load up the wagon train on Friday. Next Wednesday wehead to the woods to setup camp and be ready :)


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My garage looks like a gear bomb went off, will be bringing some order to the chaos in the next day or two. There are no crocs in the mix. I can't believe October is upon us already! The extended forecast looks to be less like the beach weather of last season... We're hunting 2nd season this year vs hunting 1st last season. Just had some attrition from 4 hunters to 3. We fly on Tuesday. Good luck guys!
Every year it seems like we get to fine tune our gear for camp. Loaded up the truck and trailer today and it appears we trimmed about half of a truck bed of stuff from last year. Soooo, now we are just waiting on Wednesday morning to come. Oh yea, went out to the new range at Ft Carson (really nice facility and seems to be run well) and put 8 shots inside a quarter :) When I packed up the Range Control guy asked "Is that all you are gonna shoot?" I told him that at $2.50 a round and a good zero established ...YEP!! Man, does my cheap little Rem 710 love the Federal Premium Vital Shok NP 180's...think I will drop them a line!!
My portion of camp pre-cooking is getting done today. Cheeseburger WT helper, elk/pork bugers, elk roast crock pot meat for burritos and a big jar of 505 Green Chile Suace :) All except the sauce is going in the freezer and be ready for Tuesday.
We leave for the Sawtooths at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Today at work will seem like forever. Good luck and a safe hunt to everybody, nothing is better than being in the big mountains at this time of year.

Mike r
Last few things in the truck...ready to go. Ft Collings tonight, mountain in the morning :) See ya'll in 7-10 days :)
Well, got back from 2nd rifle season and..... no joy :( Good time with friends and new friends, nice and cold and some good exercise but nothing to fill the freezer. I will go heavy with the pics in a few but here is the story.

We headed up on Wed to set up camp and found things rough from the get go. The jeep trail we go up was totally swamped up. We take a F150 with a trailer up and this year almost didn't get up at all. The last 2 miles of trail, usually a 45 min trip, took 5hrs. Had to get winched out 4 times. Nasty black soup and ruts. By the time we got to camp it was almost dark and we had to hustle to get the tent and stove set up. Big assed moon helped with set up.

Next day we get up and finish camp set up. Kitchen goes up and we cut about a cord of wood. About midday some guys come up the valley and set up camp RIGHT at one of the trail heads :/ Soon after the other guys in our camp, the Wisconsin Boys roll up the valley pulling their trailer and make a stop to say hi to the other camp. They have a talk about which drainages they are planning on hunting. More on that later :/ With the final folks set up in camp we had dinner and settled in to rest up and be quiet on Friday prior to the opener.

Friday nice, calm and boring with 4 inches of snow overnight :)

Saturday comes clear and cold with high hopes. Three of us go out to one drainage and the Wisconsin Boys go to their planned spots.....only to find the guys from the other camp, who had said they were heading to the next drainage over, inhabiting the valley from top to bottom. Of course, with it being public land they can do what they want but I find it pretty chicken-shit to have a discussion to allow everyone to spread out and have their own piece and then do the opposite. Opening day only animals spotted were deer, and those were spotted by the folks with no tags.

Sunday comes and early morning doesn't produce anything. After a quick lunch, myself and the WI Boys decided to headed three drainages over on another face to check things out near the private land. We have to go through the drainage where the "other" camp jumped into in order to get there and what dowe see? Three dudes standing over a 6x6 hacked up almost beyond recognition :( The tool-bags were clueless. The carcass looked like a puzzle :/ We traveled all over the new location all day and found only sign. On the way back through (about 4.5 hours later) they still only have one quarter out to camp and we see how they are getting them out.....and you won't believe this. As we walk up they start to pull out the second quarter, unprotected in any way, using a freaking horse lead rope. Holy shit, I stared so long I swore they had to get that something was wrong. I was sick to my stomach.

Over the next couple of days we have some run ins with animals but never the right hunter with the right tag to make a connection. Lots of hiking and glassing and enjoying of the mountains with friends but no meat. Had to pack out on the trail that had only gotten worse but at least it was down hill this time and was much quicker. Ride home was melancholy as now we are another year away from camp and no horns in the back. Still, as always, the mountain gives back in other ways :) So here are some pics..


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Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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