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All Diesel Vehicles Stopped!

Again, I'm not sure what the big deal is red fuel is for Ag, and I think construction but not sure. Not your pickup! It's the same thing as Not wearing your seat belt, you get caught you get a ticket:(
Should of fogged out the check station and took off :hump:
Again, I'm not sure what the big deal is red fuel is for Ag, and I think construction but not sure. Not your pickup! It's the same thing as Not wearing your seat belt, you get caught you get a ticket:(

I'm another one not sure of why it is a big deal. Red dye is illegal for on road use. Easy. Don't use it. It shouldn't be a surprise that the law is being enforced. No matter the size of the community. mtmuley
No matter the size of the community.

Probably a lot of yumpies going in and out of the big city with muscle diesel trucks (needed to get from their cubicle to their 40 acre "ranch") that wouldn't know red die if they swam in it. That would be a waste of time checking them. Now, profiling Billy Bob and Cletus outside of bumpkinsville; that makes sense. :D
A few years back the DOT dipped every diesel tank parked in the parking lot of are large auction sale barn. It was quite the rodeo before things were settled down. To my knowledge none of the red dye users proved their rights had been violated.
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Perfectly legal and the best advise I can give is if you don't agree with it and you think they are crossing the line fight it in court and see where it goes. I can also about guarantee you there is some good case law to read already on this. You can bet yourself several people facing heavy fines after a second or third offense has fought this battle already in courts and appeals.
Me myself I have zero things wrong being stopped and checked and taking 5 minutes out of my day to ensure everyone else is staying within what is right and what is wrong. And also searching cell phones and fuel tanks is like apples to oranges in reference to our right to privacy etc.
I se it happen often in Culbertson, typically a handful of farmers get cited everytime, I get checked as I have a diesel
Today, September 1, 2016 the Montana carriers enforcement stopped all diesel vehicles coming out of Glasgow NW of town. I pulled over as instructed to do, the officer tried to hand me a green card, I refused, he then said he would dip my fuel tank, I asked what probable cause he had, he said state law gives him the right, or you face a $535 fine, basically guilty till you prove yourself innocent. I then contacted my legislative members, governors office, attorney generals office, and the Montana carriers enforcement office. John Brendan, my state senator, told me something interesting, he went thru a check in Shelby,MT, bringing up something curious, I spoke with a gentleman at carriers enforcement who said he was in charge of these checks, I asked when these checks started, he said 4-5 years ago, I then asked what towns, all were smaller towns , Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Missoula, Kalispell , GF and of course Helena were not on the list. First I believe the searches are unconstitutional to begin with, but then to target rural Montana?
And my tank was clear!

A tactic once again pioneered by the SS.
Perfectly legal and the best advise I can give is if you don't agree with it and you think they are crossing the line fight it in court and see where it goes. I can also about guarantee you there is some good case law to read already on this. You can bet yourself several people facing heavy fines after a second or third offense has fought this battle already in courts and appeals.
Me myself I have zero things wrong being stopped and checked and taking 5 minutes out of my day to ensure everyone else is staying within what is right and what is wrong. And also searching cell phones and fuel tanks is like apples to oranges in reference to our right to privacy etc.

Legal schmegal. Everything Ol Adolf did was "legal" too because the people were sheeple just like today. In this case, the King doesn't want to miss out on his tax revenue. Can't spin this. Checking for drunks makes more sense because it is life threatening.
I am in the petroleum distribution business and I believe the fuel checking makes sense. Not paying the road tax hurts all of us. If you cant afford the fuel don't buy the truck.

Everyone wonders why their states are looking at taxing by the mile verus taxing fuel by the gallon.
Personally I think, a government that pulls people over to see the color of whats in their tank is wasting time and money of all of us.
When ALL the potholes filled, kids fed, vets cared for, and CPS is funded, get back to me.

+1. This is the problem. They never catch anyone and spend thousands and thousands of tax dollars on it. Complete waste of tax money when so many other IMPORTANT issues are ignored due to lack of funds. Do you really want your tax dollars spent like this when we have vet's that cant get doctors care and kids going to bed hungry?

Its a huge waste of everyones time and money.
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The bigger issue to me is that they are stopping people during the heat of harvest when every farmer is either going to and from the field or elevator. Why do it during the the busiest time of the year? How many are actually cheating with having dyed diesel in their rigs? I bet it is very low.

I am in the petroleum distribution business and I believe the fuel checking makes sense.

Maybe to the oil tycoons. I bet the soldier that lost his leg for our freedom and can't get a doctors appointment thinks its a waste. How some of you sleep at night is beyond me.
Today, September 1, 2016 the Montana carriers enforcement stopped all diesel vehicles coming out of Glasgow NW of town. I pulled over as instructed to do, the officer tried to hand me a green card, I refused, he then said he would dip my fuel tank, I asked what probable cause he had, he said state law gives him the right, or you face a $535 fine, basically guilty till you prove yourself innocent. I then contacted my legislative members, governors office, attorney generals office, and the Montana carriers enforcement office. John Brendan, my state senator, told me something interesting, he went thru a check in Shelby,MT, bringing up something curious, I spoke with a gentleman at carriers enforcement who said he was in charge of these checks, I asked when these checks started, he said 4-5 years ago, I then asked what towns, all were smaller towns , Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Missoula, Kalispell , GF and of course Helena were not on the list. First I believe the searches are unconstitutional to begin with, but then to target rural Montana?
And my tank was clear!

Something doesn't add up, MT has had the authority to inspect for far longer, in fact the State audited the program 5 years ago, reviewing the results from 6-7 years ago.

Perhaps the gentlemen was referencing the recommendation from the 2011 report that was for the department to develop a risk based approach when conducting inspections as pickup trucks were show to be the most significant violators which was also confirmed by a request to Arizona to understand their findings.
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Let's reduce the size of government by getting rid of the farm fuel subsidy and thereby the need to check for it.

I'll bet all the libertarian farmers/ranchers would fight that to their graves. Oh the irony.

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