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7E94B805-E13B-4EC4-A879-F62127A82FB3.jpegI will always honor and thank my fellow veterans - the brave men and women who served with honor in any capacity, both here and abroad, in our more recent conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. You are the true heroes who make this country great.
Don’t try to compare terrorist attacked like 9/11 with the capitol incident. Those are apples and oranges….
I bet the families of the capitol police that were killed don't see it as mixed fruit. In both situations there was violence to prove a point, loss of life, damage on US soil, and people acting like savages. Pretty clear cut to me.
View attachment 191784I will always honor and thank my fellow veterans - the brave men and women who served with honor in any capacity, both here and abroad, in our more recent conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. You are the true heroes who make this country great.
The GrayRider.......this once great country of ours needs to hear more such words that you have spoken !! Today’s woke idiots look down on those who protect them, demean them and thus do not deserve the protection given. It will never cease to amaze me, the extent this country has slipped into stupidity. With so much diversity in America, the true American has been diluted with those who do not know our history, our founders, our patriotism, or our ancestral values. The above grave marker could very well be placed on this country itself ! My many thanks to you once again !!
It’s a long way down a derailed slope from what are your thoughts on Afghanistan situation to we need to put a tombstone on America. For the ones who act like it’s over in America I wish you’d just leave like the ones who hate it. America has had plenty of ups and downs. It’s not over.
when you go in any situation like that and the mission is not to destroy the enemy this is what you get. rules of engagement have ruined many a military operation. i would personally like to know who gave the order to evacuate afgan citizens and leave the Americans behind, that person should be fired immediately.
I bet the families of the capitol police that were killed don't see it as mixed fruit. In both situations there was violence to prove a point, loss of life, damage on US soil, and people acting like savages. Pretty clear cut to me.
Not relevant one fraction of a microscopic turd specimen.

I don't condone riot incited actions. Don't support violent protest one bit. 1st amendment peaceful protests 100% even if it's the black only lives matter movement or the fuggers attempting to destroy federal property - throwing fecal baggies, clorox ballons, etc at federal officers protecting our federal buildings and the occupants, PII, etc in Portland and elsewhere.

All that crap has zero to do with Afghanistan and 9/11. Move on...
I have nothing but deference and gratitude to those who served, and this is just my 100,000 ft view opinion. I’m just some bastard on the Internet with a cup of coffee and a thought, so take it with a grain of salt.

History will look upon US involvement in Afghanistan as another sad case of hubris, and an example of those who ignore history being doomed to repeat it.

The failed withdrawal, the corrupt financial dealings, the continued suffering of our veterans - all very messy and important to understand, but if there’s one thing I hope we should learn it is this:

We should’ve never engaged in that war in the first place.
Not relevant one fraction of a microscopic turd specimen.

I don't condone riot incited actions. Don't support violent protest one bit. 1st amendment peaceful protests 100% even if it's the black only lives matter movement or the fuggers attempting to destroy federal property - throwing fecal baggies, clorox ballons, etc at federal officers protecting our federal buildings and the occupants, PII, etc in Portland and elsewhere.

All that crap has zero to do with Afghanistan and 9/11. Move on...
My highlighted text that you quoted shows exactly how they are related. I would put school shootings in that mix as well. Terrorism to me is when someone tries to use violence to push an agenda. You don't have to agree, but there are similarities in each. Do some of these incidents get categorized as domestic terrorism...yes they do.
Keep it related to Afghanistan is all I'm saying. Topic of this thread.
Start down this road and quality threads turn to garbage.

It's a hunt forum that Randy lets slide occasionally on trending heavy news.
Keep it related to Afghanistan is all I'm saying. Topic of this thread.
Start down this road and quality threads turn to garbage.

It's a hunt forum that Randy lets slide occasionally on trending heavy news.
Quality threads on a hunting mean like covid, fantasy football, window stickers, all the ones that relate to public hunting? I don't tell you your place here, please pay me the same courtesy.
We should’ve never engaged in that war in the first place.

We did have a narrow justification for military action in Afghanistan. Bin Laden was making his base there and we nearly got him early in the war. It's too bad he escaped for a time.

It is the mission creep that got us into trouble. We look at their culture and find it repugnant. They look at ours and many of them find it repugnant.

We were too full of ourselves to think we could change the way they view the world.

Often when I think of the two recent wars, I think of our former neighbor, who served tours in both countries, as a marine. He has dealt with the emotional scars since coming home. He has a wonderful wife and kids. They were great neighbors, they moved to Alaska a few years ago. I hope that life has been kind to them.
I don't understand the US abandoning Bagram when they did. Anyone associated with that decision that should be stocking shelves at Walmart for the rest of their existence.
I feel bad for all the "good" people in Afghanistan. I just wish the Afghan military would have put up a fight. I really don't know why they didn't.

I have no idea of the veracity of this authors claims, but I thought it was an interesting piece. If it's true it helps me rationalize how the Taliban so quickly retook the country.

Especially since the release of the Afghanistan papers in 2019 I've believed that the situation was more complex than most of us could comprehend. I suspect that the Afghan culture is so different from ours that we struggle to understand their motivations.
I don’t have much to say other than I’m disappointed in all of it. Seems certain there could have been a cleaner, more controlled way out. In a different universe, seems like a very cool country to visit in terms of nature. Same for Iran. Google search some of the pics- they’re incredible.

Afghanistan is a truly beautiful country with such a rich history. I was amazed every morning waking up to the sights of such unique mountains, but quickly reminded of how deadly and unforgiving the country was.
I served in Iraq not Afghanistan. I will just say this right now there are thousands of families being torn apart. Parents murdered, rape, children being torn from their lives. I just pray for them. I feel regardless the cost you can not abandon those who helped us during this war. After telling them for twenty years that we would not leave them to the wolves, we did just that. For what a splash press conference political move. Sad
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