Advice Needed: Top Picks for Tough Tags


Active member
Aug 9, 2013
I was hoping a few folks who have been around a while could help me out with some advice on some areas to start building points for over the next several years. I hunted MT 328 last year on a general elk/deer tag and loved it. I'll return again this year. But, I'm know there's plenty of other great areas out there.

My first interest is moose, but would also like to try for goat and sheep down the road as well. I guess elk & deer will always be on the table as well. There's some many great areas, I was just looking for some votes to help me whittle the list down for any "dream hunts" down the road. Thanks
(For every point you have stacked toward a tag you better have at least 10 in the bank which your lady).....Just sayin'
Guess it really depends on budget, where you are located etc. For example, if you already like in Idaho, you can get moose tags there as a resident, if you lived in Iowa, it would cost a bundle to drive from there to AK for moose.

Guess for me I will continue to hunt the OTC tags in the states I want and put in for the better tags (areas) as a resident/non resident in the same states. In Utah as a resident I can get a spike tag for the unit I'm applying for a bull tag in so I can scout every year also.
Yeah. I'm thinking on going ahead and spending a few bucks since it would be a once in a lifetime deal. I was thinking of Alaska, but it's such area I wasn't sure exactly where to begin since it's so large.On the other hand, I know there's some really sweet spots in Idaho, Utah, and similar states.

I was planning on going up a year or two to maybe hunt on some type of general tag for another species in the unit that I was trying to draw. That way I'd have an idea of how to approach one I actually draw.

I guess my main dilemma is finding the most promising spots for sheep, goat, and possibly moose; but that still hold decent prospects for some of the more common (e.g. deer, bear, etc.) OTC tags as well.
Idaho has the best moose odds. You didn't list where you call home under your username. Canada is a better moose option if u want to do it in the next couple yrs.
Just a heads up, but as of now Idaho does not have a points system. For building moose points, I'd go with UT, WY, and MT in that order. The first two let you buy just the points. MT you have to put in, but some of the units are hard enough to draw it's like just buying the points. All the while, do some research and put in for ID. It's a bit expensive since you have to buy the hunting license to put it, but there are lots of OTC deer and elk opportunities there if you want to use that license.
Great information. Just what I was hoping for.

Sounds like I might need to set my sights on UT near term for a moose tag and save the AK experience for sheep or goats.

BTW - I'm a GA resident. Sorry for not having it listed. I'll get my act together and update my info. ...
If you put in for anything in UT you might as well put in for everything. The mandatory license is the largest cost.
Sounds like UT might be my best bet as a beginner for now; with ID and WY as secondaries. But, I also think I'll budget the cash for a "once in a lifetime" Alaska hunt. I suppose that the time might be a bigger issue than dollars since I'm guessing I'd need to invest around 3-4 weeks in order to have any decent chance of success.
The moose game in western states is a long term investment.Looking at probably 15 years for a bull tag.New England states are just as bad if not worse.If a moose is your goal,a diy moose hunt in Ak with guaranteed tag will run you 5k for a fly in hunt,everything included.Another good option for moose in Newfoundland.You have to go guided there and they run $4k-6k,but still need tag and get there and home.Success in NF is 85-90% but smaller sized bulls on average.So in reality, Alaska is the cheapest option.Till you buy points for years then pay the crazy NR fees for the tag,travel,food,lodging ect...western states just don't have much appeal to me anymore.The one exception is Id where I could draw 1st year,and a lot of units have high draw odds
Sheep and goat, can't help you there.I've come to realize that by the time I'd ever draw one of those my body would be past the ability to give the tag its just due
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