A million rounds of ammo?

I used to be on EOD teams before my current posting and the most entertaining call-outs were always aid to civil power calls where we'd go in to support LEO after drug busts or when old dudes passed away. Guns, ammo, grenades and explosives gallore!

It always bugged me how most of the firearms amd ammo would get destroyed by us or the cops.
what incredibly poor taste, I can't imagine dropping a small fortune on 241 guns and not at least accidentally buying something cool.
I dunno.... I'd take one of them machine guns. Dudes a legit "Walking Dead Prostaffer" and no one is gonna take that away from him. That is until the ATF did atleast.
If this guy had full autos and no paperwork, he f'd up big. But trusting a reporter saying its truly full auto is like blindly trusting a politician or weatherman. Will be keeping an eye on the details of the case.
Few years back they went after some old man when his house caught on fire and he had a miilion or so rds. Media acted like he was nuts, I was skeptical.

Few years back they went after some old man when his house caught on fire and he had a miilion or so rds. Media acted like he was nuts, I was skeptical.

Thats crazy. So 5 "assault weapons", and a little more gun powder than the government thinks is ok? Sounds like bs.
If this guy had full autos and no paperwork, he f'd up big. But trusting a reporter saying its truly full auto is like blindly trusting a politician or weatherman. Will be keeping an eye on the details of the case.
That's why I question this... Not a single Federal Agency...
Simply California.
Leads me to believe this guy had some FFL 03-08 and this is possibly one of those California temp restraining orders that require a person to not be in possession of any firearms merely due to a civil accusation one makes about another.
California media jollies over what they know of a person's lawful collection and hop on the opportunity.

Other side of this? The person could be one royal p.o.s...

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