O.k., i didnt get any of the shooters i saw during the bow season yet, but the family i hunt with did. First morning i saw 2 little forks or sixes, and 15 doe and fawns. That evening my niebor Curt's wife downs a nice 8pt. She shot some bucks in the past but this is the first one that was legal since we started QDM. she was pretty happy with this one since there was a few "oops, i thought it was bigger" accidents the first couple years. Here is her deer.
The next morning i took her nephew Noah out with me since he didnt see much the first day. He's been hunting a couple years now and He never shot a buck yet so i figured maybe i could get him into something.
I told him we needed to be very quite getting into the woods so we didnt scare the deer out before it got light, and a little advice on how to walk quite was given and he did pretty good. We sat up in a platform with a shooting rail around it about 20 feet up in a tree. Just as it was getting light i heard a little crunching behing us and turned around to see a deer 40yrds away feeding. This deer was part ninja for 2 reasons; 1, i have great hearing and this guy snuck up on me big time and really hurt my pride! 2;he thought he was invisable as i will describe here next. I put the scope on it and saw horns. I wispered to Noah to turn around take off his safety, and told him the buck was standing at the bottom of a dead tree right in front of us. He didnt see it at first and after a while the deer walked and he finally saw it. Now it getting a little closer and i told him to take his time with the shot because the deer isnt going anywhere and didnt see us. Noah had a hard time finding it in the scope, it was turned to 9X and was still kind of dark. when he did find it he just couldnt get still in the scope so he bent over to the shooting rail.
Now the buck looks right at him moving around and i tell Noah to shoot as soon as he can! Now Noah drops down to one knee and i am thinking this deer is not going to put up with this any more! but still stands there looking at us for at least 20 seconds(ninja deer think you cant see them). Now i went from "take your time" to an embarassing "shoot that fu#ker!" Bang went the 257 roberts! he finnaly shoots and the deer takes off. it runs 40 yrds and stops a second, flicks its tail, and starts walking away. I got my crosshairs on him and told Noah to shoot him again! I didnt want to shoot a little buck if he missed it clean and this looked like a miss now. Noah didnt shoot and when i looked down at him he was fumbling with his glasses a little because i think he got fogged up pretty good. the buck walked into a low thicket and dissapeared. I told Noah we will wait 20 minutes and after that i walked an 1/8 mile around to get behind where i saw the deer last to see if i could push it to him or find it if it was wounded. i immidiatly jumped 3 deer and now thought the worst, that for sure he missed. Just as i got back to the stand i walked near the spot where the deer was standing and BLOOD!!
I climbed back up and told him he didnt miss and helped him out of the stand. This young guy is going to be a great hunter because his first words were "I just hope i didnt wound him and we find him so he wont suffer". He followed the blood while i looked ahead for the deer in case it jumped up. Now we got to the spot where it started to walk it was bleeding like a beer tapper was turned on at this point. 40 yrds later there it was with a shot that just nicked the bottom of the heart. Noah's words when he saw the rack was "wow" he was thrilled.
He did a good job with his first gut job too. His uncle Curt did his first couple does but we told him its time to seperate the men from the boys now and he dove right in.
I got to tell you this, hunting with him and see him get his first buck was way more fun than shooting that buck i got with the bow. i had fun and it made my season.
check out the hat Moosie... see how its done?
the schmalts
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-25-2002 20:28: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>

The next morning i took her nephew Noah out with me since he didnt see much the first day. He's been hunting a couple years now and He never shot a buck yet so i figured maybe i could get him into something.
I told him we needed to be very quite getting into the woods so we didnt scare the deer out before it got light, and a little advice on how to walk quite was given and he did pretty good. We sat up in a platform with a shooting rail around it about 20 feet up in a tree. Just as it was getting light i heard a little crunching behing us and turned around to see a deer 40yrds away feeding. This deer was part ninja for 2 reasons; 1, i have great hearing and this guy snuck up on me big time and really hurt my pride! 2;he thought he was invisable as i will describe here next. I put the scope on it and saw horns. I wispered to Noah to turn around take off his safety, and told him the buck was standing at the bottom of a dead tree right in front of us. He didnt see it at first and after a while the deer walked and he finally saw it. Now it getting a little closer and i told him to take his time with the shot because the deer isnt going anywhere and didnt see us. Noah had a hard time finding it in the scope, it was turned to 9X and was still kind of dark. when he did find it he just couldnt get still in the scope so he bent over to the shooting rail.
Now the buck looks right at him moving around and i tell Noah to shoot as soon as he can! Now Noah drops down to one knee and i am thinking this deer is not going to put up with this any more! but still stands there looking at us for at least 20 seconds(ninja deer think you cant see them). Now i went from "take your time" to an embarassing "shoot that fu#ker!" Bang went the 257 roberts! he finnaly shoots and the deer takes off. it runs 40 yrds and stops a second, flicks its tail, and starts walking away. I got my crosshairs on him and told Noah to shoot him again! I didnt want to shoot a little buck if he missed it clean and this looked like a miss now. Noah didnt shoot and when i looked down at him he was fumbling with his glasses a little because i think he got fogged up pretty good. the buck walked into a low thicket and dissapeared. I told Noah we will wait 20 minutes and after that i walked an 1/8 mile around to get behind where i saw the deer last to see if i could push it to him or find it if it was wounded. i immidiatly jumped 3 deer and now thought the worst, that for sure he missed. Just as i got back to the stand i walked near the spot where the deer was standing and BLOOD!!
I climbed back up and told him he didnt miss and helped him out of the stand. This young guy is going to be a great hunter because his first words were "I just hope i didnt wound him and we find him so he wont suffer". He followed the blood while i looked ahead for the deer in case it jumped up. Now we got to the spot where it started to walk it was bleeding like a beer tapper was turned on at this point. 40 yrds later there it was with a shot that just nicked the bottom of the heart. Noah's words when he saw the rack was "wow" he was thrilled.

I got to tell you this, hunting with him and see him get his first buck was way more fun than shooting that buck i got with the bow. i had fun and it made my season.
check out the hat Moosie... see how its done?
the schmalts
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-25-2002 20:28: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>