A good year


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
interior Alaska
The unemployement rate in the US was less than 4 percent for the year.

The S & P 500 gained almost 25% for the year

The inflation rate dropped substantially and is approaching the Fed's target rate of 2%
and is less than Canada, Mexico, much of Europe, Russia, etc.

Gas is less than $3 per gallon.

An I can hunt every day in MT until waterfowl ends on January 12.

It was a good year!
The unemployement rate in the US was less than 4 percent for the year.

The S & P 500 gained almost 25% for the year

The inflation rate dropped substantially and is approaching the Fed's target rate of 2%
and is less than Canada, Mexico, much of Europe, Russia, etc.

Gas is less than $3 per gallon.

An I can hunt every day in MT until waterfowl ends on January 12.

It was a good year!

Utilizing that sense of rationale, I’ll counter and just say that “I didn’t die today, so today is a great day!”
I do not understand where people get the inflation figures they throw around. If you go back to early 2020, the cost of pretty much all materials in my business have increased by at least 100%. The increases have maybe been a little slower this year, but they are still going up steadily. We did good this year, but only because we restructured our billing back in '22 to charge customers seperately for the materials we used on their account so I could just instantly pass the increases on to them. Otherwise, I couldn't keep up. BTW, where I live, gas is about $4 to $4.50 a gallon and I guarantee you it's just a lull. This summer it'll be back up to $5 or $6 a gallon.
I've never made more money and never felt poorer in my adult life. Inflation has far outpaced wage increases for me for several years.
We are in the same boat. We’ve both been fortunate to have good jobs with annual cost of living increases and I took a new role last year that bumped my salary up as well. But at the same time we are not getting ahead as the cost of everything from groceries to insurance to property taxes out paces what gains we do make.
We are in the same boat. We’ve both been fortunate to have good jobs with annual cost of living increases and I took a new role last year that bumped my salary up as well. But at the same time we are not getting ahead as the cost of everything from groceries to insurance to property taxes out paces what gains we do make.
Right there with ya. Going forward while going backwards. My contract is up in the spring so we'll see.
I still get to hang out with my family. Always great. And I was able to get out moose hunting again after missing 2 years. Broken neck and a lot of nerve damage. But that's healed up now.
Out of the blue, I contacted Jordan Jonnas from the TV show alone and he accepted an offer to come up n go moose hunting. And he got a chance at a nice bull. Too bad his scope was knocked off. But he had the opportunity. And now I have another friend to talk hunting with. Hopefully get our new retirement home finished this year.
Also want to get the well in our cabin finished and the pine boards on the cieling done. And get some trapping in for a lynx or wolf. And go get a spring bear hunt in.
I still have the opportunities to go do what I want and feeling like the most blessed man in the world. Got aches n pains but my family and good friends around me.
And I live in Alaska, America
Same boat. I was way further ahead with my buying ability 10-15 years ago when I was making a fraction of what I do now

Wife and I have thought about getting another sxs since ours is about 80% worn out. We actually talked about how less far our dollar goes in today's world than what it did 10-15 years ago. So Last night we decided that, while we can 100% afford it, we just can't justify spending the money on something that is so overpriced right now.

I wonder if we will be labeled cheapskates forever while people who make 25% of what we do are running out buying wakeboarding boats and new razors living the dream with a PBR in their hand.....

I'm bracing for impact while everyone else is spending like they are getting money from a freaking money tree out back.
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It was another great year where I ended up higher on the hog than I ever dreamed of. I'm literally living one of the best existences on the planet. I have more money and more disposable income than any previous generation in my family. I'll get to retire earlier and I'll likely live longer. All the while working less hours as a significantly less physically demanding job. This has been true every... single... year that I've been in the workforce despite who was elected.
Interesting how peoples politics skew their views. I bet I can guess who is a dem and who is a repub from this thread just based off their stated view.
My comment is based solely on my personal financial experience. Inflation has outpaced cost of living raises through both dem and rep administrations. It just seems to keep accelerating along with the national debt.
My comment is based solely on my personal financial experience. Inflation has outpaced cost of living raises through both dem and rep administrations. It just seems to keep accelerating along with the national debt.
I hope I'm not coming across as too pessimistic... I lead a blessed life, and there are opportunities out there to make life even better. I just need to find the right one for myself and my family. Trying to live that American dream!
Caribou Gear

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